How much apple jam to cook?

cook apple jam
Wash the apples, remove the tails and cores. Cut into 0.5 cm slices. Put in a deep container, cover with sugar and leave for 6 hours at room temperature. For 1 kg of apples, 1 kg of sugar is taken. Put the saucepan with apples on low heat, bring to a boil and stirring and skimming off the foam, cook 4 times for 5 minutes after boiling, waiting for complete cooling in intervals. The finished workpiece is then poured into cans.

Apple jam recipe with photo

Products for making apple jam
Fresh apples - 1 kilogram
Sugar - 1 kilogram

How to make apple jam
1. Select fresh, ripe, firm apples for jam. apples for jam
2. Wash and wipe the apples, cut in half, remove the stem and core.
3. Cut each half into 0.5 cm thick slices. sliced ​​apples for jam
4. Put the apples in a bowl, sprinkle with sugar on top, cover and leave at room temperature for 5 hours. cover apples with sugar
5. Apples should give juice. For reliability, it is worth stirring (shaking) the apples every hour or two.
apples in their own syrup
6. Put a bowl of apples and sugar over low heat, bring to a boil, cook for 5 minutes, stirring and skimming, then remove the jam from heat. stir apples when cooking
7. Cover the apple jam and leave for 6-7 hours.
8. Then repeat the procedure. second brewing five minutes
9. And repeat the procedure again, cook the jam after boiling for 5 minutes and cool completely. the third cooking of the five-minute jam
10. And repeat the procedure for the last time - cook after boiling for 5 minutes at a quiet boil. Then pour the hot apple jam into sterilized jars.

apple jam

How to cook apple jam in a slow cooker
In a slow cooker, you can cook apple jam without water, in your own juice. Cook the jam from peeled apples for 1 hour on the "Stew" mode, from unpeeled apples - 1 hour 30 minutes.

How to make apple jam in a bread maker
Cook apple jam in a bread maker for 1.5 hours, setting a spatula to stir the dough.


- Hard and juicy are especially suitable for apple slices. apple varieties - they will give their juice to the syrup, while not boiling over during cooking.

- For jam from apples, it is better to use white refined sugar. It is important in determining the required amount of sugar and the variety of apples - so, if the variety is sweet, the amount of sugar can be reduced to 700-800 grams. If you cook jam from sour apples, the amount of sugar can be increased by 100-200 grams.

- To taste, you can peel the apples, but there is no strict need for this.

- From seasonings, you can add a little cinnamon or ginger (at the stage of filling apples with sugar), vanillin, citric acid into apple jam.

- For every kilogram of apples, you can add 3/4 cup of chopped orange or lemon peel; or an equal part of lingonberry; or 1/2 part of bananas.

Keep apple jam should be in a cool dry place. Homemade apple jam can be stored not only all winter, but also in the following seasons - up to 3 years.

Calorie content apple jam - 250 kcal / 100 grams. - Ideally, do not stir the apple jam with a spoon, but gently shake the pan or bowl.

- If the apple jam is runny, drain the syrup and boil it separately from the apples, then add the apples to the syrup and finish making the jam.

- The peak season for making apple jam is from late August to mid-September. At this time, the largest harvest is gathered and, moreover, apples are very cheap. It is recommended to buy apples for jam in the markets or on the recommendations of friends who have summer cottages.

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Reading time - 4 minutes.


