How much to cook pumpkin and apple jam?

cook pumpkin jam with apples
Boil pumpkin and apple jam for 1 hour.

How to make pumpkin and apple jam

For 1 liter of jam
Apples - 600 grams
Pumpkin - 600 grams
Lemon - 1 piece
Sugar - 800 grams
Boiling water - 2 glasses

Food preparation
1. Wash and peel apples and pumpkin.
2. Wash the lemon, peel the zest, grate the zest on a fine grater.
3. Finely chop the lemon pulp.
4. Peel the apples, cut into cubes and sprinkle with lemon juice, stirring.
5. Put the apple peel into a saucepan, add 2 cups of boiling water and put on fire.
6. After boiling, remove the apple broth from the heat, remove the peel, add and stir the sugar.
7. Cut the pumpkin into cubes.
8. Put apples, pumpkin and lemon zest in a saucepan.

How to cook pumpkin and apple jam in a saucepan
1. Pour apple broth into a saucepan, put the pan on fire.
2. Cook the pumpkin and apple jam for 1 hour.

How to cook pumpkin and apple jam in a slow cooker
1. Pour apple peel broth into the multicooker container, put pumpkin, apples and lemon.
2. Set the "Extinguishing" mode.
3. Cook the jam for 1 hour.

After cooking, pour the pumpkin and apple jam into sterilized jars.

Pumpkin-apple jam with dried apricots

For 1 liter of jam
Pumpkin - 500 grams
Apples - 800 grams
Dried apricots - 250 grams
Sugar - half a kilo
Water - half a glass

Food preparation
1. Wash, dry the apples, peel and seed capsules, cut into thin slices.
2. Peel the pumpkin and cut it into cubes 1 centimeter side.
3. Cut dried apricots into 4-5 pieces.

How to cook pumpkin and apple jam in a saucepan
1. Put apples and pumpkin in a saucepan, pour half a glass of water and put on medium heat.
2. When the jam boils, reduce heat and cook the jam at a low boil for half an hour.
3. Pumpkin and apples should be completely softened in puree - if this has not happened, then grind apples and pumpkin with a blender.
4. Put sugar in the mixture and cook for another half hour.
5. Put chopped dried apricots in the jam and cook the jam for another 20 minutes.
6. After cooking, put the jam in sterilized jars and roll up.

How to cook pumpkin and apple jam in a slow cooker
1. Pour water into a multicooker container, put apples and pumpkin.
2. Set the multicooker to the "Stew" mode, cook the jam for half an hour after boiling.
3. Grind the jam into jam, add sugar and cook for another half hour on the same mode.
4. Add dried apricots and cook the jam for another 20 minutes.

All about making jam

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