How much to cook pumpkin jam with lemon?

cook lemon and pumpkin jam
It takes 1.5 hours to cook pumpkin jam with lemon.

Harvesting pumpkin jam with lemon

For 1 liter of jam
Pumpkin - 1 kilogram
Orange - 1 piece
Lemon - 1 piece
Sugar - 800 grams

Food preparation
1. Wash and dry 1 kilogram of pumpkin.
2. Peel the pumpkin and seeds, if any.
3. Wash 1 lemon and 1 orange.
4. Cut the fruit into 1 centimeter cubes. In this case, the orange and lemon must be cut with the peel.

How to make pumpkin jam with lemon
1. Pour the fruit cubes into a saucepan and cover them with 800 grams of sugar.
2. Stir the mixture and leave until the juice appears for about 10 hours.
3. After the pumpkin, orange and lemon are juiced, put the saucepan on the stove over medium heat until it boils.
4. Reduce heat and cook the jam for 10 minutes while stirring it.
5. Pour the jam into jars and roll up.


- To make pumpkin jam with it is important to choose ripe, but not overripe pumpkin fruits, since overripe fruits contain less vitamins and the fruit loses its bright taste.

- You can add lingonberries, tangerine slices, grapefruit to pumpkin-lemon jam.

- The cost of products for making pumpkin jam with lemon on average in Moscow for the 2018 season is 200 rubles. (as of June 2020).

- Calorie content of pumpkin jam with lemon is 185 - kcal / 100 grams.

All about making jam

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Reading time - 1 min.


