How to make lychee jam?

cook lychee jam

Lychee (Chinese plum) is an exotic tropical fruit that tastes like grapes. The exoticism of the fruit mainly concerns the appearance - over the entire surface it is covered with a fragile thin peel, and inside there is a rather large bone. Lychee is becoming a popular fruit in Russia, so it can often be purchased at a price similar to ordinary apples. In such cases, it is worthwhile to please yourself with a tasty curiosity and make delicious jam - just not for the winter, but for the summer. Surprising guests, pampering children - that's the thing.

How to make lychee jam

  1. Rinse the lychee thoroughly, and then peel it - it is convenient to do this by cutting the lychee skin across. It is convenient to do this with a freshly sharpened knife.
  2. Remove the seed from each fruit.
  3. Place the berries in a wide saucepan.
  4. Pour the juice of one lemon over the berries.
  5. Pour 0.5 kg of sugar for each kilogram of peeled berries and send the container to the refrigerator for several hours. The amount of sugar should be determined depending on the following factors:
    - how sweet the fruit is initially and how sweet you want to get the final jam,
    - how juicy lychee is, is it necessary to thicken it with sugar,
    - how much lychee jam is planned to be stored.
  6. After insisting, the lychee will give juice, the future jam should be thoroughly mixed, put on low heat and cook, stirring thoroughly. Important! It is best to use a wooden spoon, it will not add unnecessary flavors to the jam. During the cooking process, the hue of the jam will change to a darker one.
  7. Cooking time for lychee jam:
    - For a dessert that will be kept in the refrigerator for a couple of months, the jam should be cooked for 10 minutes with constant stirring.
    - If you plan to store lychee jam for a long time at an unstable temperature (in the kitchen, in the pantry), then it is better to cook the jam using the five-minute method: after a 5-minute boiling, wait for the jam to cool down - and so 3-4 times.

All about making jam

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