How much to cook hawthorn jam?

making hawthorn jam
It will take 1 day to make hawthorn jam.

Hawthorn jam

Hawthorn - 1 kilogram of fresh berries
Sugar - 1 kilogram
Citric acid - a quarter teaspoon
Water - 1.5 cups

Food preparation
1. Remove the hawthorn from the stalks and sort out, removing the blackened and crushed berries.

2. Pour 1 kilogram of berries into a colander and rinse thoroughly with cold running water. To completely drain the water, leave the hawthorn in a colander for 15 minutes, shaking regularly.

Cooking in a saucepan
1. Pour 1 kilogram of sugar into a saucepan and pour in one and a half glasses of water, put on medium heat.
2. Bring the syrup to a boil, for better dissolution of sugar, it is recommended to stir the syrup.
3. Pour hawthorn berries into ready-made hot syrup, stir and leave at room temperature for 12 hours.
4. Bring a saucepan with hawthorn berries in syrup to a boil over low heat.
5. Add a quarter teaspoon of citric acid, then, stirring constantly, cook the hawthorn jam for 20 minutes.
6. Cover the pan with the jam with a clean kitchen towel, put a lid on top of the towel and let the jam cool.
7. Pack the hawthorn jam into clean dry jars and seal with plastic or twist lids.

Cooking in a slow cooker
1. Put hawthorn berries in the multicooker bowl, add water, sugar and citric acid.
2. Cook on the "Stew" or "Soup" mode for about two hours.
Fill the bowl by no more than two-thirds - if necessary, reduce the amount of food, keeping the proportions.

Cooking in a bread maker
1. Put hawthorn berries, sugar, citric acid in a bowl of a bread machine and add water.
2. Cook for 1.5 hours on the "Jam" or "Jam" mode.
When laying products, focus on the volume of the bread maker's bucket, which is not recommended to fill by more than two-thirds.


- The finished jam becomes "oily" by the look. The foam that forms during the preparation of the jam must be removed with a spoon.

- To remove moisture, which continues to evaporate from the finished jam until it cools, cover the pan with the cooling jam with a towel. Otherwise, drops of water caught in the jam may cause it to ferment during storage.

- The hawthorn berries have rather large bones, which are difficult to get rid of. To prepare seedless jam, it is recommended to boil the berries for 5 minutes in a little water and then rub through a metal sieve.

- Hawthorn normalizes heart function, accelerates blood flow, strengthens blood vessels. Hawthorn jam helps to restore strength in case of overwork, relieves the condition in case of colds. However, do not abuse hawthorn jam, this is a delicacy able to reduce pressure, which can fall below normal.

All about making jam

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