How much to cook eggplant jam?

cook eggplant jam
Cook the eggplant jam for 35 minutes.

How to make eggplant jam

Eggplant - 6 pieces of medium size
Sugar - 200 grams
Water - 350 milliliters
Carnation - 6 pieces
Lemon juice - 2 tablespoons

Food preparation
1. Peel the eggplants.
2. Soak eggplants in salted water (for 1 liter of water - 1 tablespoon of salt).
3. After 15 minutes, squeeze the eggplant out of the water.

How to make eggplant jam
1. Boil 1 liter of water. Place the eggplants in a saucepan and cook for 5 minutes. Remove the eggplants from the water, put on a plate, cool.
2. Boil 350 milliliters of water. Dissolve 200 grams of sugar in water, add 4 cloves. Dip eggplants into this syrup. Cook the jam for 30 minutes.
3. Add 2 tablespoons of lemon juice. Boil for 1 minute.
4. Let the eggplant steep in the syrup for 10 hours.


- The readiness of the jam is determined by dropping a drop of syrup on a plate. If it has not spread, then the jam is ready.

- Eggplant jam tastes very similar to fig jam.

- Lemon juice and cloves remove the typical eggplant odor.

- Eggplant for jam is better to choose young and small, up to 15 centimeters long. Fruits need to choose those in which the seeds are small - such will boil.

- If you cannot find small eggplants, you can use large fruits. They need to be peeled and cut into slices 5-6 centimeters.

All about making jam

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