How much to cook apricot jam?

cook apricots and jam from them
For making apricot jam in a saucepan need 5-6 hours, cook the jam three times 5 minutes, then cool it completely.

For making apricot jam in a slow cooker will go away 1 hour.

How to make five-minute apricot jam

Product proportions for apricot jam
To make apricot jam, you need 1 kilogram of sugar for 1 kilogram of apricots, and 200 milliliters of water.

How to make apricot jam for the winter
1. Wash the apricots.
2. Solve: if you want to get apricots in jam in slices, divide them into halves and remove the seeds. Well, if you want to leave the apricots completely intact, the bone should be removed with a wooden skewer or a Japanese food stick. The weight of apricots after pitting will decrease by about 7-10%.
2. Place the apricot wedges in a copper bowl or saucepan.
3. Pour water into a saucepan and put on fire, dissolve 1 kilogram of sugar in it.
4. Pour the resulting syrup over the apricots, smooth the syrup so that it accurately covers the bottom of the bowl or pan.
5. Put the pan with apricots and syrup on the fire.
6. Cook the apricot jam over low heat for 5 minutes after boiling, removing the foam, then cool the jam completely. The jam must be mixed slowly, but this should be done very carefully so that the slices retain their shape and do not fall apart.
7. Cook the jam for another 5 minutes after boiling, then cool again and boil again for 5 minutes.
8. Sterilize the jars and pour hot apricot jam over them - first put the apricot slices, and then pour the syrup up to the level of the jar's hangers. It is imperative to insist the jam upside down under a blanket or just in the sun to keep it hot for as long as possible.

Apricot jam in a slow cooker
1. Pour apricots and sugar into a slow cooker, cook on the "Baking" mode for half an hour.
2. Stir the jam regularly and make sure it doesn't run away.
3. The ideal amount of products for jam in a multicooker is 1/2 of the total volume of the multicooker.

Secrets of thick apricot jam

The whole "chip" of apricot jam in juicy slices, which, when cooked carefully, will retain their original shape. But what if you want to get thick jam? After all, the fruits themselves contain a large amount of liquid, and it is also proposed to pour the apricots with syrup? .. Often the output is compote-like jam, which does not suit many housewives. Here are ways to make the jam thick:
Method 1 - the following recipe comes to the rescue:
apricots 1. Wash the apricots and remove the seeds.
apricots 2. Cover with sugar - 1: 1. We do not add water, so as not to boil it later, because we need thick jam!
apricots 2. Leave the apricots in the refrigerator overnight or even for a day: let the maximum amount of juice stand out.
apricots 3. We put on fire and cook for 20-30 minutes - as the cooking proceeds, more juice is released, the jam becomes even more liquid.
apricots 4. We drain this juice through a sieve - it will go to compote on a hot summer day or to pancakes on a rainy gray evening.
apricots 5. Here is the result: the apricots remained in slices, there is no liquid syrup - there is a thick, jam-like mass in which apricot slices are tightly packed.
apricots Method 2 - for thick jam, choose dense varieties of apricots, or just put two varieties in equal measure - a juicy variety will be responsible for the density, dense - for the shape of the slices. You can take slightly unripe fruits, but do not take very unripe fruits, since they have no taste.
Method 3 - use pectin.
Method 4 - after cooking, put the jam into a small saucepan with a slotted spoon, straining the syrup. Then, by tilting the pan and holding the fruit with a slotted spoon, drain the remaining syrup.
Method 5 - Boil the apricot jam for a long time.In this case, the variety of apricots must be taken into account, if it is a very juicy variety, then you will have to boil about half of the initial volume, that is, 2 hours. And of course, with this method, the apricots are likely to be completely boiled.


- So that the slices of even soft apricots do not boil over and remain intact, you can cook jam with the addition of pectin. To do this, boil the syrup and cook the apricots in it for 10 minutes, then add 20 grams of pectin per 1 kilogram of apricots - and stir the jam well.

- Apricot season is from mid-June to late July. It is better to buy apricots for jam in the second half of July.

- From 1 kilogram of apricots, 1 liter of jam is obtained, and if you cook thick jam with a minimum of syrup, then 0.5 liters.

- The shelf life of apricot jam at home is about 5 years with proper sterilization of cans.

- To taste, at the end of cooking, you can add 1/4 teaspoon of citric acid to the jam. The jam will become transparent, the jam will be better stored and, moreover, will acquire a characteristic slight sourness.

- Ripe, dense and slightly unripe fruits are suitable for cooking.

- To taste, you can put a gauze bag with not finely ground coffee or calendula leaves in a saucepan when cooking jam. This will give the jam a special spicy taste.

- To cook jam with apricot kernels, you need to dry the seeds, split them with ordinary pliers, select nuts and add them when you first make the jam. The only "minus" of the recipe is that it will not be stored for so long, it is advisable to eat it within six months.

- Apricots are good for their vitamin A (metabolism, vision), C (immunity), potassium (nervous system health), iron (circulatory health), calcium (bone health) and magnesium (circulatory system).

How to make apricot jam with almonds

Products for jam from apricots with almonds
Apricots - 1 kilogram
Sugar - 700 grams
Almonds - 5 tablespoons
Water - 1 glass
Lemon - half

How to make apricot jam with almonds
1. Put the almond nuts in a bowl and pour boiling water over for 15 minutes. Cool, rinse with cold water and pour boiling water over again for the same time. Peel the almonds from the film and dry.
2. Wash the apricots and squeeze out the pits with a knife, without breaking the integrity of the apricot.
3. Place an almond nut inside the apricot instead of the apricot kernel.
4. Pour water into a saucepan and add sugar, put the pan on fire and cook until boiling, stirring occasionally.
5. Put one apricot in a saucepan with water and sugar.
6. Cook the jam for 7 minutes after boiling.
7. Remove from heat and cool the jam.
8. Then again put the saucepan with the jam on the fire and boil again for 7 minutes.
9. Repeat this procedure again.
10. In sterilized jars, carefully place the apricots with a spoon, pour the remaining syrup over them.

All about making jam

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Reading time - 4 minutes.


