How much apple jam to cook?

cook apple jam
Apple jam in a saucepan to cook 40 minutes.

Apple jam in a slow cooker cook on the "Quenching" mode hour and a half.

Apple jam in a bread maker cook on the "Jam" mode 1 hour.

How to cook apple jam

Apples - 1 kilogram
Sugar - 700 grams
Water - half a glass

How to cook apple jam
1. Wash the apples, peel them, cut them in half and remove the cores.
2. Thin or finely chop the apples.
3. Put the apples in a saucepan, add water and put the pan on fire.
4. Boil the apples for 30 minutes over low heat, stirring with a wooden spoon or spatula.
5. Add sugar to the apples and stir.
6. Cool apples, chop with a blender in mashed potatoes.
7. Return the apples to low heat and cook for 10 minutes after boiling, stirring occasionally.
8. Pour the jam into warm sterilized jars and twist, turn the jars and wrap them with a blanket. Allow to cool completely and store.

How to cook apple jam in a slow cooker
1. Wash, peel, cut the apples and cut the cores with a knife.
2. Thinly slice and place the apples in a slow cooker.
3. Add sugar and stir.
4. Set the multicooker to the "Extinguishing" mode.
5. Cook for an hour and a half, stir every half an hour.
6. Pour the jam into jars, twist and cool under a blanket. Then put away for storage.

How to cook jam in a bread maker
1. Cut the peeled apples into slices and put them in the container of a bread machine, cover with sugar.
2. Set the bread maker to the "Jam" mode, time - 1 hour.
3. Chop the boiled jam with a blender, pour into jars, cool and store.

Fruit Facts About Apple Jam

- Soft and juicy fruits of summer varieties are suitable for cooking jam. White filling, Melba, Grushovka will quickly boil up. Apples with a red or striped skin are suitable for obtaining a red-colored jam.

- The longer you cook the jam, the darker it will be.

- When cooking apple jam, the initial volume of the apple mass is halved. It is worth considering that when it cools down, the apple jam will become thicker.

- The readiness of the apple jam is checked as follows: put a teaspoon of the product on a plate (dry, cold). If the jam retains its shape (does not spread), it is ready.

- How much sugar to take depends on the variety of apples: if the fruits are sour, increase the sugar tab by 30%.

- When cooking, you can add slices of lemon or orange (with peel), citrus fruits will give a delicate aroma and add piquancy to the apple jam.

- To cook the jam without adding sugar, boil the apple slices in a little water for 10 minutes (for 1 kilogram of apples - 200 milliliters of water), then rub through a sieve and boil for 10 minutes. Putting jam cooked without sugar should only be in sterilized jars.

- Calorie content of apple jam - 190 kcal / 100 g.

- The main value of apple jam is natural pectin substances capable of removing toxins and salts of heavy metals from the body.

- Apple jam is used as an independent sweet dessert, and also as a filling for pancakes, pies, donuts, waffles.

- Store apple jam in a cool dark place for up to 3 years.

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Reading time - 3 minutes.


