How much to cook apricot jam?

cook apricot jam
It takes 1 hour to make apricot jam.

How to cook apricot jam

Products for cooking
Apricots - 1 kilogram
Sugar - half a kilo

How to make apricot jam
1. Select ripe apricots, wash, remove seeds, put in a saucepan.
2. Put the pan on the fire, cook the apricots for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally.
3. Put the apricots in a sieve and rub so that the skin does not get into the final jam.
4. Mix the resulting puree with sugar and cook until the jam acquires the consistency of liquid sour cream.
5. Pour hot apricot jam into hot sterilized jars and store.

How to cook apricot jam in a bread maker
1. Wash apricots, remove seeds, cut into slices, grind with a blender.
2. Put the apricot puree in a bucket of a bread machine, cover with sugar, stir, let stand for 1 hour.
3. Put the bucket with the preparation in the bread maker, set the "Jam" mode.
5. After the end of the regime, spread the hot jam in dry, clean jars and seal it with lids.
When boiling apricot jam in a bread maker, reduce the rate of bookmarking products, maintaining the specified proportion. Approximately: take 350 grams of sugar for 500 grams of apricots.

How to cook apricot jam in a slow cooker
1. Wash the apricots, remove the seeds, cut into pieces, grind with a blender.
2. Put the mashed apricots into the multicooker bowl, cover with sugar, stir.
3. Turn on the "Jam" mode, cook until the device is turned off, stirring from time to time.
4. Put the hot jam into jars and close the lids.

Fruit facts about apricot jam

- 10 minutes before the end of the jam, you can add lemon juice (for 1 kilogram of apricots - juice from half a lemon), or 1 orange.

- The calorie content of apricot jam is 240 kcal / 100 grams of jam.

- To make the apricot jam thicker, you can use pectin, jam or gelatin, which are added about 10 minutes before the end of cooking, at the rate of 10 g of additive per 1 kilogram of apricots. Gelling agents reduce the amount of sugar used and the cooking time.

- After cooking, there are almost no vitamins in apricot jam, but trace elements and pectin are retained, which helps to cleanse the body of toxins, toxins and cholesterol.

- When cooking apricot jam in a multicooker or bread maker, you need to take into account the volume of the bowl of the appliance and fill it no more than three quarters.

- It is better to buy apricots for jam at the end of July, when there is a large selection of apricot varieties and high competition on the markets.

- Most often, large apricots are more expensive than small ones, but the size of the crushed fruit is not important for jam. Keep this in mind if you need to save money.

- The most delicate jam is obtained if the skin is removed after the initial cooking. If the jam is cooked in large quantities, this can be neglected: the skins can be chopped with a blender and added to the pulp puree.

- The readiness of the apricot jam is determined by placing a teaspoon of the product on a plate. If the jam does not spread, it is ready.

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Reading time - 3 minutes.


