How much jam to cook?

cook jam
Cook the jam from 1 hour to one and a half hours.

How to cook jam

Calculation of ingredients
For 1 kilogram of fruit puree, provide 1 kilogram of sugar.

Jam preparation
1. Sort, wash and peel the berries or fruits.
2. Grind fruits or berries with a meat grinder.
3. Grease a saucepan with olive oil to prevent the jam from burning.
4. Pour the fruit or berry mass into a saucepan for boiling jam, heat up, cook for half an hour.
5. Add sugar and cook for another half hour over low heat - the volume of the jam should be halved.
6. Pour the finished jam into sterilized jars.
7. Cool the jam without a lid, wait until the top layer of the jam hardens. If the jam does not freeze, you can put the jars of jam in an oven preheated to 150 degrees.

Fascinating facts about jam cooking

The shelf life of jam with proper sterilization is 3 years.

Jam is served on bread, used in the preparation of pies and pies.

Jam can be used for making sweet sauces.

The consistency of a properly cooked jam is fat sour cream.

When boiling berry jam, it is recommended to add apples so that the jam acquires a jelly-like consistency. it is apples that contain a gelling component.

You can grind raw fruits, or first boil chopped or small fruits and then rub through a sieve or chop with a blender.

You can cook the jam in a water bath: pour water into a large wide saucepan, put a wire rack on top and put a saucepan with the ingredients for the jam on it. Put on fire and cook for 1 hour.

When cooking jam, add sugar half an hour after cooking berries or fruits.

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Reading time - 2 minutes.


