How much to cook stuffed peppers with cabbage for the winter?

cook stuffed peppers for the winter
It takes 1.5 hours to prepare the pepper stuffed with cabbage.

How to pickle stuffed peppers with cabbage

for a 3-liter can
Bulgarian pepper - 10 pieces (1.5 kilograms)
Cabbage - small forks (1.5 kilograms)
Carrots - 2 pieces (300 grams)
Chili pepper - 1 pod
Sugar - 6 tablespoons (150 grams)
Salt - 4 tablespoons (120 grams)
Vinegar 9% - 50 milliliters
Water - 1 liter

How to cook cabbage stuffed peppers
1. Wash 10 bell peppers, carefully cut the stems together with the seed boxes.
2. Chop the head of cabbage. In a deep bowl with your hands, effortlessly, mash the cabbage, adding a tablespoon of salt.
3. Grate the carrots (on a coarse grater), add to the cabbage and mix with your hands.
4. Fill the peppers with cabbage and carrots, put them in a deep bowl.
5. Pour a liter of water into a saucepan, add 6 tablespoons of sugar and 2 tablespoons of salt. Heat to a boil.
6. Pour a teaspoon of vinegar essence into the prepared brine.
7. Pour the peppers with brine, add the whole chili. Cover the peppers with a plate on which to set the oppression.
8. After 2 days, put the peppers in jars, add the brine to the top, cover the jars with lids.
9. Cut the chili peppers into pieces and add one to each jar.
10. Sterilize jars of pepper: put in a wide saucepan, pour water three quarters of the height of the jars and start heating.
11. After the water in the pot has boiled, sterilize the jars for 10 minutes on low heat.
Close or roll up jars of pepper with lids. Allow to cool, wrapped in a towel.


- To prepare pickled peppers, use glass or enamel dishes.

- Pickled peppers with cabbage can not be sterilized: leave in a bowl of brine or put in jars, but store in the refrigerator. After about a week, the snack will be ready, its shelf life is 2 weeks.

- Garlic is added to the cabbage filling (1 head per our quantity), chopped celery or parsley.

- Chilli you can cut it lengthwise before laying - this way it will better give bitterness. However, care should be taken when handling chili peppers. he can burn his hands.

- Pickled peppers stuffed with cabbage - excellent snack to side dishes from boiled potatoes or rice... The dish is also suitable for the festive table.

- Spectacularly looks like an appetizer made from bell peppers of different colors.

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Reading time - 2 minutes.


