How much apple juice to cook?

cook apple juice
The time for making apple juice for the winter is 30 minutes.

How to make apple juice

(for 1 liter of apple juice)
Fresh apples - 1600 grams
Sugar - 30 grams

How to cook
1. Wash jars well with powder or soda, pour over with boiling water or sterilize with steam.
2. Thoroughly wash 1600 grams of apples and cut into quarters.
3. Remove the cores from apples with seed pods.
4. Pass the prepared apples through a juicer.
5. Pour the juice into a saucepan. The juice should be half the size of the pot or two-thirds of the volume, because when heated, the juice forms a copious foam and can run out of the pot.
6. Stirring constantly, bring the juice over medium heat to a temperature of 90-95 degrees.
7. Use a spoon or a slotted spoon to remove the foam from the juice.
8. Add 30 grams of sugar to the juice and mix.
9. Turn off the gas and pour the prepared juice into the jars.


- When juicing apples, juice is important do not bring to a boilso that it retains all vitamins and nutrients.

- Depending on the apple variety, the addition of sugar to the juice can be adjusted: if the apples are sweet, sugar can be omitted.

- You need apple juice keep in a basement, cellar, or any other dark and cool place.

- Apple juice for the winter, as a rule, is obtained highly concentratedso it can be diluted with warm or cold boiled water after opening.

- Juice made from sour apples is necessary use carefully: It can cause heartburn due to its high malic acid content. You can neutralize the acid by adding squash juice to apple juice at the rate of 1 cup of squash juice per 3 liters of apple juice.

- When passing apples through a juicer the juice darkens... This is due to the high iron content in apples, which oxidizes in the open air. To keep the juice light, you can add 0.2 teaspoons of citric acid to 1 liter of apple juice.

- Apple juice can be diversify adding pumpkin juice, red beets, pears, raspberries to it.

- From apple juice you can make mousse, jelly or jelly.

- Apples cost seasonal average in Moscow for July 2020 - from 60 rubles / 1 kilogram.

- Calorie content apple juice - 42 kcal / 100 grams.

- Open jar store homemade apple juice for 1 day in the refrigerator.

Author / Editor -
Reading time - 2 minutes.


