How much to cook tomato juice?

cook tomato juice
It will take 1 hour to prepare 3 liters of tomato juice, of which boiling takes from 10 to 30 minutes, depending on the method of preparation of tomato juice.

How to cook tomato juice

Products for the preparation of 3 liters
Tomatoes - 4 kilograms
Salt - 1 level teaspoon
Sugar - 1 level tablespoon
Ground black pepper - to taste

Food preparation
1. Wash the tomatoes and cut each into 4 pieces. If tomatoes are handled, the stalks should be cut. If with a meat grinder, then it will grind the stalks into juice.
2. Tomato halves either pass through a meat grinder, or through a blender, or by hand: put in a sieve and wipe in a saucepan.
3. Pass the tomato mass through a sieve to remove the remaining seeds.
How to cook tomato juice in a saucepan
1. Put a saucepan with tomato paste over medium heat and bring to a boil.
2. Reduce heat, add sugar and salt, pepper to taste, cook juice for 5 minutes with constant stirring, removing foam.
3. Pour tomato juice into sterilized jars or bottles.
4. Cover the jars or bottles with lids previously kept in boiling water for 5 minutes, then cool to room temperature, covered with a warm blanket, and put away for storage.

How to cook tomato juice in a jar
1. Pour tomato juice into jars - first in a thin stream, so that there is no temperature drop and the jar does not burst.
2. Put a towel on the bottom of a saucepan (or several saucepans), pour hot water according to the level of juice in the jar.
3. Place the juice on the bottom of a saucepan with water and do not cover tightly with lids.
4. Cook at a quiet boil for 10 minutes, and if foam forms, be sure to remove it.
5. Tighten the jars with lids, cool and store.

How to cook tomato juice in a slow cooker
1. Set the multicooker to the "Baking" mode, put the tomatoes.
2. Add salt, sugar, black pepper and cook on the same multicooker mode (with the lid open) for 5 minutes after boiling, stirring occasionally.
3. Pour tomato juice into jars and roll up with sterilized lids.

How to cook tomato juice in a juicer
(the method is suitable for preparing a large amount of juice)
1. Pour a maximum of water into the lower pot.
2. Place a saucepan on top for juice, on top - a mesh pan with tomatoes cut in half.
3. Place the tube into the juice storage tank.
4. Put the juicer on the stove, cook until all the tomatoes settle - about 40-50 minutes.


- Tomato juice can not be boiled, but only brought to a boil and held at 90 degrees - in fact, this way the maximum benefit is preserved. However, keep in mind that at the slightest violation of storage conditions, the juice can give a fungus or deteriorate.

- Tomatoes contain acid, which helps to keep for years even without adding salt, sugar and vinegar. So that during long-term storage the juice does not exactly deteriorate, you should add 1 tablespoon of 9% vinegar during cooking.

- When preparing a large amount of tomato juice, it is recommended to use a meat grinder with a filter for tomato skins, and pass the skins through the meat grinder several times.

- The most important thing nutritional property tomatoes is to saturate the body with the most important - water. Taking into account the universal taste properties of tomatoes and the fact that tomato juice is one of the few unsweetened ones, it becomes especially important to make the harvest of tomato juice (especially if there are tomatoes in the beds) for the winter.

- Meaty varieties are best for harvesting tomato juice.

- If the tomatoes are dense, you can cut them into cubes while cooking, and then grind the juice with a pusher or blender.

- To taste, when cooking (3 minutes before the end of cooking) tomato juice for the winter, you can add garlic, cinnamon, black and red peppers, cloves.

- If you are allergic to red vegetables, you should use yellow varieties of tomatoes for cooking tomato juice. In this case, the color of the juice will also be yellow.

- The shelf life of tomato juice with proper harvesting is up to 3 years.

- Tomato seeds can be left, but then the juice must be sterilized for 5 minutes.

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Reading time - 4 minutes.


