How much to cook viburnum juice?

cook viburnum juice
Boil viburnum juice 20 minutes in a saucepan.

Boil viburnum juice in a juicer 40 minutes.

Boil viburnum juice in a slow cooker 40 minutes on the "Extinguishing" mode.

How to cook juice from viburnum

Kalina - 1 kilogram
Sugar - 1 glass
Water - 1 liter

How to cook juice from viburnum
1. Sort out Kalina and rinse with running water.
2. Pour the berries into a colander and shake several times to dry.
3. Place the berries in an enamel pot and pour 1 liter of cold water.
4. Put the saucepan on fire, bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes until the berries are soft.
5. Boiled berries little by little spread on a sieve and grind from cake and seeds.
6. Return the grated viburnum to the pan and put on fire.
7. Boil the viburnum juice over low heat without a lid for 10 minutes, stirring and dissolving the sugar.
8. Strain the viburnum juice through a cloth and pour into hot sterilized jars.

Viburnum juice in a juicer
1. Put the washed and dried viburnum in the upper container of the juicer, add sugar.
2. Pour water into the lower container of the juicer.
3. Assemble the juicer: put the bottom part, then the juice collector and then the container with the viburnum.
4. Put the juicer on the fire and cook the juice for 40 minutes.
5. Drain the juice from the juicer and pour it into hot sterilized jars; cool and put away for the winter.

Viburnum juice in a slow cooker
1. Put the viburnum in a multicooker container, add water and cover with sugar.
2. Close the lid of the multicooker, set the multicooker to the "Stew" mode and cook for 40 minutes.
3. Hot juice is ready to drink.


- For boiling viburnum juice, an enamel pan or stainless steel pan is most suitable.

- If the sieve has too large holes for grinding berries, you should use gauze, "squeezing" the berries through it.

- When boiling viburnum juice, juice will form - it must be removed with a tablespoon or slotted spoon.

- The season for brewing viburnum juice is from early September to early November.

- If the viburnum juice is cooked in a juicer, it is necessary to pre-treat the juice drain hose with boiling water.

- For a variety of taste, when boiling viburnum, you can add the juice of 1 lemon (for each kilogram of viburnum).

- The shelf life of viburnum juice in the cellar is 1 year.

- Viburnum juice, rich in vitamin C, is great for colds and flu.

Author / Editor -
Reading time - 2 minutes.


