How much juice to cook?

cooking juice
Juices are boiled from half an hour to 2 hours.

General rules for juicing

1. In order to prepare boiled juice, it is necessary to wash and peel the fruits, cut into pieces.
2. Squeeze out juice from vegetables, berries, fruits.
3. Strain the juice into a juicing pan.
4. Put a saucepan with juice on the fire, bring to a boil, while removing the foam with a slotted spoon.
5. Boil the juice until cooked.
6. Roll the juice into sterilized jars and store.


- Juices can be used to make sorbet, jelly, mousse or jelly.

- If you add mineral water to the juice, you can get a sweet carbonated drink that replaces the store soda.

- It is better to store juices in cool, dark places, as the heat can swell the lid and spoil the juice. The storage temperature should not exceed 20 degrees Celsius.

4. For the winter, as a rule, concentrated juices are closed, so before drinking it should be diluted with warm or cold boiled water.

- You can cover juices from fruits, berries and vegetables, as well as make fruit and berry or fruit and vegetable juices.

- Juices should be closed from ripe, undamaged fruits and berries, as the cellular structure of soft and rotten fruits is destroyed and less juice will come out of these fruits.

- Open juice can be made spicy and aromatic by heating it on the stove with a pinch of cinnamon, vanilla, orange peels, lemon and tangerine.

- An open can of juice should be kept in the refrigerator for 3-4 days.

- Juice should be prepared from seasonal fruits and berries grown under natural sunlight, as they are richer in vitamins and trace elements than fruits grown in artificial conditions and in abundantly fertilized soil.

- Juices without pulp and with pulp can be closed. Juices with pulp have a higher nutritional value but will contain sediment.

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Reading time - 2 minutes.


