How much apricot jam to cook?

cook apricot jam
Boil apricot jam 40 minutes.

How to make apricot jam

Products for cooking apricot jam
Apricots - 1.5 kilograms
Sugar - 1 kilogram (for sour varieties of apricots - 1.5-2 kilograms to taste)
Water - 1 glass (only when making jam in a saucepan)
Dry gelatin - 40 grams

How to make apricot jam
Select soft, ripe apricots for jam. Divide apricots in half and remove pits. Boil 1 glass of water. Put the apricots in a saucepan, pour boiling water over, cover and cook for 15 minutes. Pass the apricot puree through a sieve and return to a saucepan, cover with sugar mixed with gelatin, bring to a boil. Cook the jam for 20 minutes, regularly removing the feathers and stirring constantly with a wooden spatula or spoon.
Pour hot jam into sterilized jars, roll up, turn upside down and wrap with a blanket until it cools completely. Put the cooled jam for storage.


- Any, even soft, overripe apricots are suitable for jam. The taste of apricots is emphasized by: citric acid, vanilla, cinnamon, lemon juice. Apricot jam can be made from dried apricots - dried pitted apricots.
- Jam from apricots should have a homogeneous thick consistency. To do this, the jam is "boiled down", that is, it is boiled for a long time to evaporate some of the moisture, or thickeners are used: gelatin, confiture, pectin.
- It is better to cook apricot jam in an enamel pot. The foam formed during jam cooking need not be removed, it will disappear by itself by the end of cooking. However, to make the jam transparent, the foam should be removed (it can be used instead of sugar in tea). You can check readiness by generously dripping jam on a saucer: if the jam does not spread, it is ready.
- To cook transparent jam, the apricots must be separated from the skins: put the apricots in a sieve during cooking and pass through a sieve with a mortar. When cooking transparent jam, add sugar in proportion to 1 kilogram of apricots 1.5 kilograms of sugar.
- To keep the icing and cream on the cake better, grease the surface of the cakes with slightly warmed apricot jam. With its delicate flavor, apricot jam will not dominate the dish unless required.
- The value of apricot jam in the content of dietary fiber that promote digestion and trace elements, especially potassium, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the heart and blood vessels.
- Calorie content of apricot jam 235 kcal / 100 grams.

Apricot jam and kitchen gadgets

Jam from apricots in a slow cooker
Grind apricots with a blender, add sugar with gelatin, mix, pour into the multicooker container. Cook the jam on the "Baking" mode for 40 minutes. Do not cover the multicooker with a lid. Stir the jam regularly during cooking. Pour hot apricot jam into fresh sterilized jars and twist.

Apricot jam in a bread maker
Put the washed and pitted apricots into the container of the bread machine. Cover the apricots with sugar mixed with gelatin, close the bread maker. Set the bread maker to the "Jam" mode and cook for an hour and a half. Pour boiled jam hot into sterilized jars and twist.

Cook more apricots for the winter!

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Reading time - 3 minutes.


