Apple and chokeberry compote?

compote from apples and blackberries
It takes 1.5 hours to make apple and chokeberry compote.

How to cook compote from apples and blackberries

Apples - 1 kilogram
Rowan black-fruited - 400 grams
Sugar - 700 grams
Water - 6 liters

Food preparation
1. Wash 400 grams of rowan berries and discard them in a colander to glass the water.
2. Separate the berries from the twigs.
3. Wash 1 kg of apples, core and cut the apples into about 10 slices.
4. Bring 6 liters of water and 700 grams of sugar to a boil over medium heat, stirring occasionally.

How to cook compote
1. Put the apples in a small container and cover with boiling water for 3 minutes.
2. Drain the water.
3. Transfer the apples to the jars prepared for rolling, pour the rowan on top so that half of the jar is occupied by apples and rowan.
4. Pour hot sugar solution over the jars.
5. Immediately roll up the cans.


- Chokeberry is best combined with sweet and sour varieties of apples, as the sourness of apples sets off the bitterness of mountain ash.

- When cooking compote for aroma and spicy taste, you can add a pinch of cinnamon, vanilla, cloves.

- The cost of products for making apple and chokeberry compote on average in Moscow for July 2020 is 180 rubles.

- The calorie content of apple and chokeberry compote is 93 kcal / 100 grams.

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