How much to cook compote from ranetki

how to cook compote from ranetki
Cook compote from ranetki for the winter 20 minutes.

How to cook compote from ranetki

Ranetki compote proportions
For a can of 3 liters
Ranetka apples - 1 kilogram
Sugar - 300-500 grams depending on the acid of the ranetki
Water - 2 liters
Spices (anise, cinnamon, peppercorns) - to taste

The proportions of compote from ranetki for the winter
1. Sort out the ranetki: smooth, dense, ripe fruits are suitable for compote. Wash the wrenches thoroughly.
2. Sterilize the banks, fill them with Ranetki to half the volume.
3. Pour boiling water over the ranetki, cover and leave for 10 minutes.
4. Drain water into a saucepan, put sugar in it, dissolve sugar and bring to a boil, cook for 5 minutes.
5. Pour boiling syrup over jars with ranetki, roll up and cool.
6. Store the ranetki compote at room temperature.

Ranetki compote in a multicooker
1. Put the ranetki in a multicooker.
2. Tie the spices in a linen bag, put in a slow cooker.
3. Add sugar, pour boiling water over the ranetki and set to the "Stew" mode.
4. Cook the compote for 15 minutes and then, without opening the multicooker, leave for 20 minutes.
5. Remove spices, pour compote into jars and twist.

Ranetki compote in a bread maker
The bread maker holds a small amount of ingredients, use 3 times less food!
1. Put the apples in a bucket of a bread machine.
2. Pour in boiling water in which sugar has been diluted.
3. Set the bread maker to the "Jam" mode and cook compote from ranetki for 20 minutes.


- Ranetki - small-fruited apple variety, they are often called "paradise apples" for their beauty and wonderful aroma.

- Ranetki have tart taste, they are used to make preserves, jams and compotes.

- To give the compote from ranetki rich wine colors, you need to add 15 chokeberries to a three-liter jar.

- If the compote from apples-ranetki is prepared without boiling, vitamins C, E and group B are preserved in it.

- Ranetki compote has rich mineral composition... The drink contains potassium and magnesium that are good for the heart, it contains iron that improves blood composition, as well as phosphorus and calcium necessary for the growth of bone tissue and maintenance of metabolism in the body.

- If the compote from the ranetki has become cloudy, such a product is not recommended to be eaten. Most likely, the compote was kept in the light or the jars were not tightly closed.

- Calorie content ranetki compote is about 95 kcal / 100 grams, this figure depends on the amount of added sugar.

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