How much to cook raspberry compote?

raspberry compote
Boil raspberry compote 7 minutes.

How to cook raspberry compote

Products for a 3-liter jar
Raspberries - 500 grams
Water - 3 liters
Sugar - 250 grams
Anise seeds - half a teaspoon

How to make raspberry compote
1. Select dense berries for compote, peel off leaves.
2. Pour water into a saucepan, put on fire. Add sugar to hot water, dissolve it in water, add anise. Boil the syrup after boiling for 5 minutes.
4. Put the raspberries into the syrup, cook for 7 minutes after boiling over low heat.
5. Pour hot compote into jars, roll up and leave to cool in a blanket or bedspread.


- Raspberry compote can be prepared with the addition of other berries: black currant, gooseberry, blackberry, strawberry, or with the addition of a summer apple, cut into thin slices.

- It is recommended to prepare raspberry compote from intensely colored ripe berries.

- You can make raspberry compote from frozen raspberries. To do this, in the summer you need to collect the raspberries and freeze them in the freezer. Freeze the berries in bulk on a flat surface (for this, some freezers have special trays) and only then collect them in a bag. This form of freezing will allow the berries not to stick together when frozen.

- For a rich taste, you can put a small slice of lemon or add two pinches of citric acid to the raspberry compote.

- In order to preserve vitamins when preparing compote, pour fresh or frozen raspberries with cooled boiled water, add sugar to taste, cover and let the drink brew for several hours. Compote will remain vitamins, as the berries will not be boiled.

- The calorie content of raspberry compote is 60 kcal / 100 milliliters.

- The average cost of raspberries in Moscow in the season for 2020 is from 300 rubles / 1 kilogram, in the off-season - from 2000 rubles. (as of July 2020).

- With proper storage (in a cool, dark place), raspberry compote can last not 1, but several years.

- When boiling compote, raspberries lose their color and in this form can ruin the appearance of the drink. To prevent this from happening, as well as to prevent raspberry pits from getting into the drink, you can rub the raspberries through a sieve after cooking.

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