How much to cook honeysuckle compote?

honeysuckle compote
Boil the honeysuckle compote for 30 minutes.

Honeysuckle compote for the winter

Honeysuckle - 1 kilogram
Water - 3 liters
Sugar - 350 grams

How to cook honeysuckle compote in a saucepan
1. Peel the honeysuckle from twigs, debris, wash gently in cool water so as not to crush the berries.
2. Put the honeysuckle on a towel or flat dish and let the berries dry.
3. Pour sugar into a saucepan, pour 3 liters of fresh cold water, place over medium heat, stir until the sugar is completely dissolved.
4. After boiling, cook the sugar syrup for 10 minutes.
5. Pour 0.5 liters of fresh water into a saucepan, wait until it boils over high heat.
6. Put a lid for a jar in boiling water, hold it on the burner for 10 minutes.
7. Put dried honeysuckle in a thoroughly washed jar, pour hot sugar syrup, close a lid sterilized in boiling water.
8. Place a jar in a large saucepan, pour warm water into the saucepan, its level should not reach the neck by 2 centimeters, place on medium heat.
9. Wait for boiling, keep on the stove for 10 minutes.

How to cook honeysuckle compote for the winter in a slow cooker
1. Clean the honeysuckle from twigs and debris, rinse in cool water.
2. Put honeysuckle in a multicooker bowl, cover with sugar.
3. Pour cold fresh water into the multicooker bowl.
4. Close the multicooker bowl, turn on the "Quenching" mode for 60 minutes.
5. Pour the finished compote into thoroughly washed jars, close with sterilized lids.
6. Put the jars in a deep saucepan, pour warm water into the pan so that its level does not reach the neck by 2 centimeters, let it boil over medium heat.
7. After boiling, keep on the burner for 10 minutes.

Honeysuckle compote for a day

Honeysuckle - 1 kilogram
Water - 3 liters
Sugar - 540 grams

How to cook honeysuckle compote for a day
1. Peel honeysuckle from twigs, rinse in cool water.
2. Pour sugar into a saucepan, pour 3 liters of fresh cold water, place over medium heat, keep on the burner until sugar dissolves in water, stirring occasionally.
3. Wait for the sugar syrup to boil, cook it for 10 minutes.
4. Put the honeysuckle in a saucepan with the sugar syrup and cook for a few more minutes after boiling.

How to cook honeysuckle compote for a day in a slow cooker
1. Peel honeysuckle from twigs, rinse in cool water.
2. Put the honeysuckle in a multicooker bowl, cover with sugar, cover with fresh cool water.
3. Close the multicooker bowl, turn it on for "Quenching" for 60 minutes.

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