How much to cook pear compote

how to cook pear compote
Cook pear compote 20 minutes.

How to cook pear compote

The proportions of pear compote
For a 3 liter can
Pears - 1 kilogram
Sugar - half a glass-glass
Water - 2 liters

How to make pear compote
Wash pears, cut, remove seed pods and stalks, put in a saucepan. Pour pears with water, bring to a boil, cook for 15 minutes over medium heat without a lid. Put pears in sterilized jars with a slotted spoon. Pour sugar into the pear broth, dissolve it, bring the syrup to a boil and pour over the pear syrup. Tighten the compote, cool and store.

How to cook a quick pear compote

for 3 liters of drink
Pears - 7 large
Water - 3 liters
Lemon - half or whole to taste and depending on the sweetness of the pear
Honey - 2 tablespoons
Sugar (brown is better) - 100 grams
Cinnamon - 1 stick
Additionally, for color, you can add a little currant or plum

How to quickly cook a pear compote
1. Pour 1.5 liters of water into a saucepan.
1. Wash the pears and cut them into thin slices without peeling them.
2. Wash the lemon and cut into slices.
3. Put sugar in boiled water and stir until completely dissolved.
4. Put pears, lemon, cinnamon stick.
5. Cook the compote for 15 minutes after boiling again.
6. Cool the compote by placing the pan in a bowl with ice or ice water.
7. Add 2 tablespoons of honey to the cold compote, mix.


- If pears have very hard skin, you need to remove it or immerse the fruits in boiling water for two minutes. Peelings - the skin and seed boxes with vascular bundles (hard fibers running from the tail to the seed box) should not be thrown away immediately. Better to fill them with water and boil for 7 minutes. Next, use the broth to prepare the syrup.

- Colour a pale pear compote will be given a handful of brightly colored berries - raspberries, chokeberries, black currants. If halves of pears are used for the compote, you can add a rosehip berry from which the seeds have been removed to the groove from the seed box.

- On the basis of pear compote, you can cook non-alcoholic mulled wine, perfectly warming in cold weather. For this, the drink is prepared with the addition of cinnamon and cloves, consumed hot. Additionally, you can add wine or cognac.

- For the compote prepared for the winter, small-fruited pear varietiesthat can be put in the jar as a whole. In finished form, they will become an original decoration for cakes, desserts, ice cream. They are especially good for cooking compotes such as "Memory to PN Yakovlev", "Severyanka", "Svetlyanka", "Skorospelka from Michurinsk". It is important that the sweetest compotes are obtained from summer pear varieties. Such compotes will be the most useful, and the pears in them will retain their volume and shape. If the compote is cooked from autumn varieties, it is important that the fruits lie at room temperature for several days before boiling the compote. When the pear becomes soft when pressed, you can start cooking the compote. You can distinguish a good pear from a wild one by the thorns on the branches: they are present only on the wild pear.

- When preparing compote for the winter, you can add more or less pears, and depending on this, vary the amount of syrup. It depends on what you want more from the compote: a drink or pears in syrup.

- Fresh pears contain coarse fiber, which can cause digestive upset. Heat-treated pears change the structure of their pulp, which makes them useful even for dietary nutrition. In compote, the taste and smell of pears intensifies, the fruits retain their shape, their pulp remains firm and juicy.

- Antimicrobial and bactericidal properties pears.The drink is a strong diuretic - it flushes the kidneys and relieves the circulatory system.

- Calorie content pear compote on average 70 kcal / 100 grams. This indicator is the higher, the more sugar is used in cooking.

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