How much to cook prune compote?

prune compote
Boil prune compote 20 minutes.

How to cook prune compote

For 1 liter of compote
Prunes - 200 grams
Water - 800 milliliters
Sugar - 150 grams

How to cook prune compote
Rinse the prunes thoroughly. Pour water into a saucepan, add sugar and berries, cook for 20 minutes after boiling. After boiling, cool the compote with prunes and pour into a decanter.

How to cook prune compote in a slow cooker
1. Rinse the prunes, put them in a colander and let the water drain.
2. Put prunes, sugar in a multicooker bowl and add water to the food.
3. Thoroughly mix the food in a multicooker.
4. In the multicooker set the "Multipovar" mode, time 20 minutes and temperature 100 degrees.
5. Cook the compote until the end of the program.

How to cook prune compote in a bread maker
1. Take out the bread pan without installing the kneading spatula.
2. Place the prunes and sugar in a mold and cover with baking paper with a hole in the center to act as a spacer under the lid.
3. Select the appropriate menu in the bread maker (each type of bread machine has its own number in the menu).
4. Press the "Start" button.
5. After finishing cooking, let the compote cool slightly.


1. You can add a little raisins, apples and dried apricots to the prune compote.

2. If the prunes are dry, it is recommended to soak the compote in warm water before boiling.

3. Prunes contain sugary substances and fiber, therefore prune compote can be a good natural laxative.

4. The shelf life of prune compote in the refrigerator is 3 days.

5. The cost of pitted prunes on average in Moscow for July 2020 - from 600 rubles / 1 kilogram.

6. Caloric content of prune compote - 60 kcal / 100 grams.

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