How much to cook cherry compote

how to cook cherry compote
You need to cook cherry compote 20 minutes... If you do not remove the seeds from the berries, then 10 large berries will take about 2 hours of clean time.

How to make cherry compote for the winter

Cherry - 200-250 grams
Water - 800 milliliters
Sugar - 100 grams

How to cook cherry compote
1. Wash the cherries thoroughly, remove the stalks and bad berries. In this case, the seeds should not be removed from the cherries.
2. Thoroughly wash a liter jar, gently pour boiling water over it and sterilize it with steam.
3. Fill a sterilized jar with cherries in half or 2/3 of the jar and place in a large bowl.
4. In another saucepan, bring 800 ml of water to a boil.
5. Fill the jar with berries to the top with boiling water and cover the jar with a lid.
6. Leave the compote for 10 minutes.
7. After the compote is infused, drain the water from the jar into a clean saucepan so that the berries remain in the jar.
8. Put in a saucepan with compote on gas, put 100 grams of sugar in it, mix sugar and boil the resulting syrup for 10 minutes.
9. Fill the jar of berries with boiling syrup to the very top and screw the jar with a sterilized metal lid.
10. Turn the rolled jar upside down and wrap it in a warm blanket.
11. Leave the jars under the blanket until the compote has cooled completely, after which they can be hidden in a cool place for the winter.


1. As a rule, preparations for the winter are very sweet, so when consumed, it is better to dilute sweet cherry compote with chilled boiled water.

2. If some cherries are spoiled by worms, the berries should be poured with slightly salted water for 1 hour before cooking, and then washed gently.

3. If, when preparing compote, there is not enough syrup for one jar, you can add boiling water to the jar.

4. In the cherry compote, you can add a sprig of mint, a little vanilla, as well as black currants and strawberries or sliced ​​apples.

5. Ready sweet cherry compote can be diluted with carbonated mineral water and drunk instead of soda.
6. Compote can be covered with both red and yellow cherries.

7. Calorie content of sweet cherry compote - 80 kcal / 100 grams.

8. Jars sterilization rules: To sterilize steam cans, purchase a special pot attachment with a can recess. These attachments are commonly sold at hardware stores. Lower the jar on the nozzle with the neck down and sterilize over boiling water until the steam leaves the jar from under the jar and the jar becomes transparent. This process usually takes 3 minutes.

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