How much to cook orange compote

how to cook orange compote
Cooking time for orange compote - 10 minutes.

How to cook orange compote

Oranges - 6 pieces
Vanillin - 5 grams
Sugar - 100 grams
Water - 2 liters

How to cook orange compote
1. Wash 6 oranges well under running water.
2. Carefully remove the zest from the oranges, taking care not to remove the white pulp, so that the compote does not taste bitter.
3. Peel the white pulp from the oranges.
4. Divide oranges into slices and remove seeds from them (if any).
5. Cut the wedges into pieces.
6. Pour 2 liters of water into a saucepan and bring to a boil.
7. Add 100 grams of sugar and the removed zest to the saucepan.
8. Cook the compote for 15 minutes.
9. Add chopped orange slices to the compote and heat to 80 degrees.
10. Let the compote brew for 20 minutes and after this time the compote can be consumed.


- If you add not just orange peel to the orange compote, but chopped orange peels, the compote will taste slightly bitter and resemble bitter marmalade in taste.

- Sugar in orange compote can be replaced with 70 grams of honey, then the compote will be more aromatic.

- You can add a little lemon or citric acid to the orange compote.

- If you add 100 grams of cranberries, 3 cinnamon sticks, 6 star anise stars to the orange compote, you get a spicy winter drink.

- Orange compote is stored in the refrigerator for 1-2 days.

- The cost of oranges on average in Moscow for July 2020 is 130 rubles per kilogram.

- The calorie content of orange compote is 57 kcal / 100 grams.

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Reading time - 2 minutes.


