Cooking herring under a fur coat?

how many minutes to cook herring under a fur coat
Herring fillet - 200 grams
Potatoes - 200 grams
Beets - 200 grams
Carrots - 200 grams
Apple - 100 grams
Chicken eggs - 2 pieces
Onions - 1 head, the more the better and sweeter
Mayonnaise - 100 grams
Dill - to taste

How to make herring under a fur coat

1. Wash the beets and cook.
2. Boil potatoes in their skins.
3. Wash, peel and boil carrots.
4. Boil the eggs.
5. Wash the onion, remove coarse leaves, and finely chop.
6. Clean the herring, remove the bones.
7. Cut the herring fillet into 1 centimeter cubes.
8. Peel the boiled beets and grate them on a coarse grater.
9. Grate boiled carrots on a fine grater.
10. Grate potatoes on a fine grater.
11. Peel and seed the apple and rub on a coarse grater.
12. Grate eggs on a fine grater.
13. Lay out in layers: potatoes, herring, carrots, beets, onions, apples - and again beets. Rub eggs on top and garnish with mayonnaise.


- Herring for a fur coat it is recommended whole, barrel, without oil.

- To make it easier to clean the herring of bones, wrap it in a napkin and hit the table with force several times.

- Onion - the more, the sweeter. And it is better to use white salad rather than yellow onions. If the onion tastes bitter, pour boiling water over the chopped onion for 1 minute so that the bitterness disappears and drain the water. You can then drizzle vinegar on the onion for a pickled flavor.

- Mayonnaise - the fatter the better.

- Apples for herring under a fur coat, you should take hard and sweet ones. After rubbing with a grater, you can sprinkle with lemon juice.

- Decorations for herring under a fur coat - mayonnaise, green onions, parsley, olives, green peas.

- After cooking, cover the layered herring under a fur coat with cling film and refrigerate insist 10-15 hours.

- To taste, mayonnaise in a herring under a fur coat can be partially replace mustard (for example, instead of 100 grams of mayonnaise - 50 grams of mustard and 50 grams of mayonnaise).

- To do vegetarian herring under a fur coat, herring is replaced with pickles, pickled mushrooms or seaweed, eggs are replaced with avocados or squid, mayonnaise is used without eggs or replaced with yogurt mixed with soy sauce.

Author / Editor -
Reading time - 2 minutes.


