How much to cook eggplant?

how many minutes to cook eggplant
Wash and boil whole eggplants 20 minutes... Eggplant is cleaned after boiling.
Boil eggplant slices or slices 10 minutes.

How to cook eggplant

You will need - eggplant, water

How to cook whole eggplants
As a rule, it is necessary for cooking blanks
1. Wash the eggplant.
2. Fill a saucepan with cold water, bring to a boil and season with salt.
3. Dip the eggplant in boiling water, close the pan with a lid and reduce heat to medium.
4. Cook the eggplant for 20 minutes.
5. Cool the eggplant slightly, cut in half and scoop out the pulp with a spoon.

How to cook eggplant in the microwave
1. Thoroughly rinse, dry the eggplants and make several deep punctures in them with a fork.
2. Put the dishes with eggplants in the microwave and cook for 5 minutes at 800 watts.
3. Let the fruit cool slightly, and then peel it off.

How to cook eggplant in a double boiler
1. Peel the washed eggplants from the tails and cut in half.
2. Salt and pepper the fruit to taste and place in a steamer container. Cook for 15 minutes.

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Cooking eggplants correctly

1. Eggplants are not cooked as a separate dish, cooking is needed to prepare compound dishes and preparations for the winter.

2. So that the eggplants do not darken during cooking, it is better to use enameled dishes, it protects the fruits from oxidation processes.

3. Eggplants should be dipped in boiling water, otherwise they will swell and lose their taste from prolonged exposure to water.

4. It is recommended to remove the skin from the eggplant after boiling. During cooking, it becomes thinner, and it is much easier to remove it - just cut the eggplant in half lengthwise and scoop out the flesh with a tablespoon.

5. Eggplants contain vitamins of group B (improve the functioning of the nervous system) and C (prevention of colds), as well as folic acid, which is necessary for pregnant women. In addition, this vegetable is rich in various microelements that are useful for people after suffering strokes, with anemia. A lot of valuable substances are found in the eggplant skin itself, in particular, nazunin. This element is an excellent antioxidant.

6. Eggplant is a dietary product. 100 grams of boiled fruit contains only 23 kilocalories.

7. The average cost of a kilogram of eggplants in the season (July-November) is 40 rubles, in the off-season - from 200 rubles. (data for Moscow as of June 2017).

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Reading time - 3 minutes.


