How to cook vegetables
One of the simplest side dishes is boiled vegetables. To prepare it, it is better to wash any vegetables from the ground. Peeling vegetables is not necessary - as a rule, boiled vegetables are much easier to peel. The vegetables are placed in a pot of water so that the water covers them with a margin. If you do not control this moment, the edges of the vegetable coming out of the pan will be hard. Sometimes water boils out of the pan during cooking - you need to keep an eye on its level and top up if necessary. The water in which vegetables are boiled is usually slightly salted, especially if boiled vegetables are served neat as a side dish. After cooking, any vegetables are edible: potatoes, beets, corn and carrots are used for salads and side dishes, while cabbage, sorrel and zucchini are usually finely chopped and put into soups.

Cooking time for vegetables
Chopped cabbage - 15-20 minutes
Potatoes, carrots, cauliflower and broccoli, turnips - 20-25 minutes,
Beets - 40-45 minutes
Zucchini, tomatoes, eggplant - 15 minutes, and sliced ​​for soup 10 minutes.

Hooray! Summer!

We spend the summer with the benefits of winter!