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How much to cook yogurt soup?

how much to cook yogurt soup Cook yoghurt soup for 20-25 minutes.

How to make yoghurt soup

Yogurt matsoni (or other non-sweet white yogurt) - 1/3 cup
Egg - 1 piece
Flour - 90 grams
Rice - a third of a glass
Butter - small cube
Vegetable oil - 20 milliliters
Dried mint - medium handful
Salt to taste

How to make yogurt soup
1. Wash the rice.
2. Pour 200 milliliters of water into a saucepan without enamel coating, add salt - a third of a teaspoon, add rice.
3. Place a saucepan with rice on a low heat, keep on the stove from the beginning of the boil for 10 minutes, until half cooked.
4. Wash the egg, break it into a separate saucepan for the soup.
5. Put yogurt, flour in a saucepan with egg, mix well with a spoon.
6. Pour 1 liter of water into the egg-yogurt mixture, mix well.
7. Put semi-cooked rice in a saucepan with yoghurt mixture, mix.
8. Place a saucepan with the yoghurt mixture on high heat, pour in vegetable oil, wait until boiling.
9. Add a cube of butter, reduce heat to low, cook for 7 minutes, stirring occasionally.
10. Season the yoghurt soup with salt, keep on the stove for another three minutes.
11. Sprinkle mint on bowls of ready-made yoghurt soup.


- Yoghurt soup should be salted at the end of cooking to prevent curdling. For the same reason, the soup does not need to be covered when boiling.

- Instead of rice, you can put wheat, barley, bulgur, beans or chickpeas, noodles, pasta in yoghurt soup. Pasta should be placed less than cereals, as they swell more.

- To make yogurt soup even more satisfying, you can cook it in meat broth. For flavor, red hot peppers can be added to this soup.

- In Turkey, a variety of yoghurt soup called Yayla cool is widespread. According to the traditional recipe, Yayla yogurt is used in such a soup and mint with red pepper, pre-fried in butter, is added.

- Another type of yoghurt soup is Spas or Tanov Apur.Instead of rice, dzavar is put in it - a cereal obtained from slightly boiled, and after dried, peeled from the shell of wheat grains. Sour cream and fried onions are also added to this soup.

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How much to cook Soups Yoghurt soup


