
What are we cooking?

How much hash to cook?

how much hash to cookIt takes 30 hours to cook khash: the leg will be soaked for a day, and another 5-6 hours will be needed to cook and serve it. In the simplest version, you will need to spend 1 hour in the khash kitchen. To save time, you can buy an already cleaned leg (white) and soak it not for a day, but for 6 hours - but under a thin stream of running water. A pressure cooker will cook a leg for khash in 1.5 hours.

How to make khash

Cooking principle - soak beef legs in water for 24 hours, then peel, divide with a knife into 4-6 pieces and cook for 5-6 hours on very low heat. The pot should be covered with a lid to prevent the dish from boiling over. Pour the finished khash into plates and serve with snacks.

Choosing beef legs for fat khash
Take at least 1 leg for a 5-liter saucepan, since the broth in khash should be fatty and sugary. Additionally, you can put a sugar bone, thanks to the bone marrow, the hash will become even fatter.

Cooking khash
In a saucepan with cold water, soak the leg for a day, changing the water every 3-4 hours. This is done to remove blood and soak clogging. Then you need to scrape the leg with a knife or dish cloth white and cut along the joints into 4-6 parts. The khash should be cooked over low heat until the joints are boiled - this is 5-6 hours. Close the lid of the pan tightly so that the broth does not evaporate much. Ideally, khash is cooked on a raskeater for 8-10 hours, the pressure cooker will handle the process in 1.5 hours.

Serving khash
Correct serving is almost as important a step as cooking. For each eater in a deep plate, catch the pieces of the leg, and pour the broth on top. Arrange in separate bowls:
- chopped garlic soaked in water - eaters pour in water with a spoon so that the garlic effect is softer;
- lavash - better freshly prepared and slightly dried - it is broken and thrown into khash, where it is soaked and becomes very tasty;
- chopped radish - traditionally, and additionally any fresh vegetables and pickles;
- salt - since khash is not salted during cooking;
- cheese, ideally homemade;
- salty mineral water.
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Khash is an Armenian soup served in the morning because of its satiety - "for the whole day". In addition, they tormented the khash all night on the fire - and in the morning they fed the whole family with fresh khash.

According to legend, the king took good pieces of meat for himself, and threw the bad ones into the gorge. Once the shepherd saw these pieces and cooked them, and the smell reached the king and he liked it so much that the king invited the shepherd to him and ordered to cook the same. After that, the king kept the pieces with bones for himself, and distributed the meat to the poor. :) Nowadays, tripe, tails and even meat are added during cooking to make the soup even tastier.

The first rule of delicious khash is correct legs, better and thicker. When choosing, pay attention to the color: whitish will say that the leg was cleaned with steam - such a leg will not give an appetizing smoky smell.

The most delicious khash is obtained with Armenian songs - there is also about khash:
"We don't need kebabs and pilaf,
On the table hash is the basis of the basics,
And the conversation is a calm river,
Friends have peace and quiet here. "

Traditionally, only men prepare khash - this is a manifestation of care in the conduct of everyday life. Women should rest on this day.

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How much to cook Soups Khash


