
What are we cooking?

How much to cook a cold pot (beetroot)?

how much to cook chillCooking time for the refrigerator is 1 hour. The net time spent in the kitchen is 30 minutes.

How to cook a cold pot

Water - 3 liters
Beets - 3 small
Cucumbers - 3 pieces
Boiled sausage - 200 grams
Green onions - small bunch
Dill - half a small bunch
Chicken eggs - 2 pieces per serving
Lemon - 1 piece (or vinegar 9% - 1 tablespoon)
Sour cream - 1 tablespoon per serving
Sugar - 1 teaspoon
Salt to taste

Chill recipe
1. Wash the beets, peel, cover with cold water and cook under a lid over low heat for 50 minutes until soft.
2. Cool the boiled beets, strain and cool the beet broth.
3. Grate beets on a coarse grater and put in beet broth.
4. Season with salt, add sugar, salt and lemon juice (or vinegar).
5. Wash the cucumbers, cut off the ends and cut into strips.
6. Green onions and dill, wash, dry and chop.
7. Cut the sausage into strips.
8. In a bowl, combine cucumbers, herbs, pepper and salt.

Serve the cooler in two bowls - one with beets and broth, the other with vegetable mixture. Put boiled chicken eggs cut into quarters on a plate.
Beet broth with beets is poured into a personal plate for each of the participants of the feast, a vegetable mixture with sausage, eggs and sour cream to taste is applied.
With a bite, you can serve young boiled potatoes.


- Why add citric acid or vinegar to the fridge? - To get a chiller rich beet color.

- A fridge can be prepared and on kefir - then the beet broth is not used, kefir is used instead. If kefir is dense, you can dilute it with cold boiled water (or, again, beet broth).

- How to cook a fridge without cooking beets? - You can use pickled beets for this. You can still bake beets in the oven or microwave.

- Chill distributed in Latvia, Romania, Belarus, Ukraine, Poland and Lithuania.

- To taste in the fridge can add chopped radishes or cucumbers, chopped eggs, celery.

- Keep a refrigerator can be 5-7 days, provided that vegetables are not added to the soup.

- Soups similar to the concept of a cooler: soup zhur and okroshka.

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Reading time - 2 minutes.
How much to cook Soups Beetroot fridge


