
What are we cooking?

How to cook kalbithan?

how much to cook kalbitkhanIt will take 7 hours to cook kalbitkhan soup, of which 2 hours in the kitchen.

How to cook kalbithan

Beef ribs - 800 grams
Daikon (radish) - 200 grams
Egg - 1 piece
Onions - 1 piece
Garlic - 40 grams
Green onions 40 grams and 20 grams
Cheongjang Soy Sauce - 2 teaspoons
Sesame oil - half a tablespoon
Salt - 2 teaspoons
Ground black pepper - 1 teaspoon

How to cook kalbithan
1. Chop the beef ribs into pieces, put in a saucepan, cover with cold water for 3 hours, changing the water every hour.
2. Rinse the daikon, peel and cut into 6 centimeters long pieces.
3. Peel the onion and garlic; finely chop the garlic, and chop the onion into thin half rings.
4. Break the egg, pour into a bowl and beat with a small pinch of salt; fry thin scrambled eggs. Then cut it into thin strips.
5. Remove fat and veins from the soaked ribs.
6. In a saucepan, boil 1 liter of water and dip the ribs into it, blanch them for 5 minutes.
7. Pour the ribs with water (5 liters) and bring to a boil.
8. Reduce heat, simmer broth over low heat for 1.5 hours.
9. Add daikon and cook for another 1 hour, removing scale with a slotted spoon.
10. Take out the daikon and cut into thin slices 3 centimeters long.
11. Season the ribs with a mixture of garlic, ground pepper, soy sauce and sesame oil.
12. Cool the broth, remove the frozen fat from the surface and strain through cheesecloth. Add ribs and daikon and bring to a boil. Season with salt and cook for another 2 minutes.
13. Before serving, add chopped scrambled eggs, onions, salt and pepper to taste.


- Kalbithan is a type of Korean gumguk soup that is made from different parts of the beef (for example, head, bones, etc.), slowly boiling on low heat.

- In ancient times, soups for important events or persons were given a name using the end of "Than". For example, the soup "komtkhan" could only be afforded by representatives nobility, since expensive ingredients were used for its preparation. And itself the name of the dish comes from the Korean word meaning "chew".

- There is an opinion among Koreans that a komkhtan will have real taste only if it cook in a cauldron and with lots of meat. In addition, the preparation of such a dish takes a very long time. Therefore, Koreans prefer to order it when they visit restaurants.

- Koreans prefer not to add salt and pepper to kalbithan when cooking, because they use hot onions and garlic, as well as salty soy sauce. Salt and pepper should be added to the kalbithan to taste.

Take a look more soupshow to cook them and cooking time!

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How much to cook Soups Kalbitkhan


