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How much to cook Campbell soups?

how much to cook Campbell soupsCampbell's ready-to-eat or ready-to-serve soups and broths are usually just reheated. And Campbell condensed foods, in order to best combine in the final dish, must be boiled until all foods are fully cooked. For example, if potatoes are added to the soup, then pour in the Campbell soup, then add the potatoes and cook the soup for 15-20 minutes.

Campbell Tomato Soup

Tomatoes - 1.5 kilograms
Vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons
Campbell's beef broth - 0.75 liters
Tomato juice - 200 grams
Sour cream - 4 tablespoons
White bread - 4 pieces
Butter - 80 grams
Garlic - 6 cloves
Cilantro and basil greens - several sprigs

How to make tomato soup
1. Wash tomatoes and cut off the stalk; on tomatoes, make cross-shaped cuts at the place of the stalk.
2. Place the tomatoes in boiling water for 60 seconds.
3. After pouring cold water over the tomatoes, remove the peel.
4. Cut the tomatoes into quarters and remove the seeds.
5. Cut the pulp of the tomatoes into 1 centimeter cubes.
6. Peel 3 garlic cloves, push them through a press.
7. Pour 3 tablespoons of oil into a heavy-bottomed saucepan.
8. Put the garlic in the oil and fry for 1 minute.
9. Add prepared tomatoes, Campbell broth and tomato juice to a saucepan.
10. Boil the soup, cook for 10 minutes until the tomatoes are soft.
11. Cut off the crusts from slices of bread.
12. Cut the crumb of bread into cubes 1 centimeter side.
13. Peel the remaining garlic, cut into petals thinly.
14. Put butter in a frying pan, put on fire, melt butter until liquid.
15. Fry the garlic in hot oil for half a minute.
16. Select all the garlic from the oil, remove.
17. Put the bread cubes in this oil, fry until golden brown for 5 minutes over medium heat with constant stirring.
18. Before serving soup, season with sour cream, add basil and cilantro.

Campbell's Mashed Potato Soup

Potatoes - 8 pieces
Campbell Beef Broth - 750 ml
Sour cream - 200 grams
Egg yolks - 2 pieces
Cumin - 1 teaspoon
Water - 1 liter

How to make mashed potato soup
1. Strain the Campbell beef broth into a saucepan.
2. Set the meat aside.
3. Add 1 liter of water.
4. Boil the broth.
5. Wash potatoes, peel, chop coarsely, put in broth.
6. Add caraway seeds.
7. Cook the soup until the potatoes are tender.
8. After removing the saucepan from the heat, pour about half of the broth into a separate bowl.
9. Crush the potatoes and the rest of the broth in a puree.
10. Dilute the puree with drained broth.
11. Put the set pieces of meat in the soup.
12. Mix yolks and sour cream.
13. Fill the soup with the resulting mixture.
14. Heat the soup over low heat, without boiling.


- The history of Campbell soups dates back to 1869. The main specialization of the company is canned food. In 1897, one of the company's employees invented concentrate soups. This invention made it possible to reduce the costs of storage, transportation and packaging. The finished product has become much cheaper. The most popular in the Campbell soup line are tomato soup, chicken noodles and cream mushroom soup.

- Campbell soup is a favorite dish of American artist Andy Warhol. His silkscreen "Campbell's Soup Cans" is on display at the Museum of Modern Art in New York. It turns out that for many years he ate these instant soups for lunch. The artist strove to depict on the canvas what he really likes. A painting depicting thirty-two cans of Campbell's soup was sold after the artist's death for $ 24 million.

- Campbell soups are not widely accepted in Russia. The very idea of ​​buying ready-made soup in a store seemed alien to Russians, and the company left the Russian market after a year of experimentation. Campbell's top managers attributed the failure to the conservatism of Russian food culture. In addition, canned food is more expensive than home food, and Russians prefer a more natural and economical way of life, albeit at the expense of time. However, a small audience loved Campbell's soups very much. Now Campbell can only be bought abroad, there is a wide range of their products, ranging from soups to branded cooking timers, oven mitts, utensils, etc. The cost of Campbell soups in America is $ 2-4.

Take a look more soupshow to cook them and cooking time!

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How much to cook Soups Campbell


