
What are we cooking?

How much botvinya to cook?

how much to cook botvinyaCook classic botvinia for 40 minutes.

How to cook botvinya

Bread kvass - 1 liter
Okroshechny kvass - 250 milliliters
Red fish (salmon, trout, salmon, sturgeon) - 500 grams
Young beets with tops - 3 pieces
Fresh cucumbers - 1 piece
Sorrel - 1.5-2 cups
Nettle leaves - 1 cup
Lemon - half
Horseradish - 1.5 tablespoons
Mustard - 1 teaspoon
Dill, green onions - to taste
Salt, sugar - to taste

How to cook botvinya
1. Thoroughly wash 3 beets under running water.
2. Divide the beets into root and tops.
3. Cook beets in different containers (40-50 minutes) and tops (15 minutes).
4. Wash 1.5-2 cups of sorrel and chop it.
5. Boil sorrel in boiling water for no more than 3 minutes.
6. Wash the nettles and scald with boiling water and chop.
7. Dice the beets and combine with the nettle and sorrel.
8. Wash the cucumber and cut into small cubes.
9. Wash the lemon, divide into two and remove the zest from 1/2 of the lemon.
10. Combine lemon zest with 1 teaspoon of mustard, 1.5 tablespoons of horseradish, salt and sugar.
11. Pour 250 milliliters of okroshechny kvass and 1 liter of bread kvass into a saucepan.
12. Add a mixture of lemon and spices to kvass, as well as chopped cucumber and greens with beets.
13. Put the botvinha in the refrigerator for 15-20 minutes.
14. Cut 500 grams of fish into medium slices.
15. Dip the fish in salted boiling water and boil for 10 minutes (if the fish is raw).
16. Add dill and onion to the fish.
17. Serve the botvinya to the table in three bowls: the first with slices of fish, the second with soup, and the third with crushed ice.


- The botvinha recipe dates back to the 19th century, when this soup was often prepared and was the most common summer soup in all segments of the population.

- There are many variations of botvinia serving, but real botvinia consists of three courses: the first dish with finely crushed ice, the second with fish, and the third with botvinia directly.

- Botvinya can be cooked without expensive fish, then it will be considered one of the varieties of cold summer soups.

- When cooking botvinia, sorrel is an indispensable product, which gives the soup a sourness.

- For making botvinia it is better to buy dark bread kvass, since it has a richer taste.

- Those who find it difficult to cook classic botvinya can prepare its simplified version, but remember that kvass, nettle, sorrel, spinach, sugar, salt, chopped herbs and cucumber are its indispensable products.

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How much to cook Soups Botvinha


