How much to cook shrimp

how much to cook shrimp
Shrimps that have been previously cooked and then frozen (these are most often sold in stores and are light pink in color) should be boiled 3-5 minutes.

Previously untreated (gray) shrimp are king prawns - cook 10 minutes.

How to cook shrimp

  • Let's weigh our boiled-frozen shrimps in size 90x120 (ordinary medium shrimps): weight 320 grams.
  • Put a saucepan with 400 ml of water (2 cups) over high heat, add salt and pepper. Add lemon juice if desired.
  • Add all 320 grams of shrimp to boiling salted peppered water.
  • Cover the boiling shrimp with a lid, cooking time - 3 minutes.
  • Drain the shrimp, let cool slightly.
  • The shrimps are cooked and can be peeled immediately if necessary. The weight of the cooked and peeled shrimp is 76 grams.
    boiled shrimp
  • If the shrimp will be served as a snack, provide a large plate with boiled shrimp in the center of the table, and each participant in the meal a small dish in order to put shells in them.

How to cook shrimp in the microwave

1. Put frozen shrimps in a deep saucepan or plate.
2. Drizzle with a mixture of 2 tablespoons of olive oil, 2 teaspoons of salt, 1 teaspoon of pepper and 5 tablespoons of soy sauce, mix well.
3. Put in the microwave, cook on medium power for 10 minutes.
4. Your microwaved shrimp is ready!

How to cook shrimp in a double boiler

Sprinkle the shrimps with salt and pepper, sprinkle with lemon juice, put in a double boiler. Top with lemon wedges, steam for 15 minutes.

How to cook shrimp in a slow cooker

Put the shrimps in a slow cooker, sprinkle with salt, pepper and spices, mix. Put the multicooker on the "Baking" mode and cook for 20 minutes. You do not need to add water to the multicooker.

How to cook shrimp in a pressure cooker

Put the shrimps in a saucepan of the pressure cooker, season with salt and pepper, add a little water and cook for 1 minute in the "Fry" mode.


- Shrimps are very useful: Shrimp meat contains calcium and protein, while boiled shrimp is considered a low-calorie dish. The calorie content of boiled shrimp meat is about 95 kcal / 100 grams. Shrimp, even after boiling, is rich in cholesterol, which is completely excreted naturally.

- In shops now, as a rule, shrimp are sold boiled-frozen, so it doesn't make sense to cook them for a long time. Overcooked shrimps lose their juicy taste and become rubbery, so boiled-frozen shrimps should be boiled for 3 minutes.

- Large amount of water when cooking shrimps, it is not necessary - firstly, the shrimps themselves are covered with ice and contain a large amount of liquid, and secondly, the less water, the juicier the shrimps will turn out.

- BouillonLeftover from boiling shrimp is an excellent base for sauce.

How to choose shrimp

1. The most useful shrimps are medium-sized, cold water shrimp, in stores until RUB 500 / kg Large tiger and king prawns - in stores cost from 500 to 1000 rubles. Prices are for May 2017.

2. The fraction on the price tag and on the package means the number of shrimps per kilogram: for example, 70/90 means that there are 70 to 90 pieces of raw shrimp in a kilogram of this size. Keep in mind that the package should contain shrimps of approximately the same color and size.

3. Buy peeled shrimp - it is possible not only if there is absolutely no time. From 3 kilograms of unpeeled shrimp, about 1 kilogram of peeled shrimp will turn out, while the price of peeled shrimp is hardly at least three times higher. :)

4. In appearance, the shrimp should be: a) with a crooked, bent tail (this applies to small and medium-sized shrimps), b) with an even, without spots, shell; c) the head of the shrimp can be pink, brown (by the way, such shrimps are most likely with very nutritious shrimp caviar) or greenish.

5. Avoid: white spots on the shell, ice and snow in the shrimp (defrosted, there is a risk of buying a low-quality one). Black heads of shrimps speak of disease.

Shrimp spices
Paprika, basil, caraway seeds, allspice, parsley, basil, oregano are perfect for shrimps.

Calorie content of boiled shrimp
The calorie content of shrimp is 70 kcal / 100 grams.Despite the fact that shrimp itself is considered a low-calorie dish, it is usually salted abundantly and sauces and spices are added, which greatly increases the calorie content of the shrimp dish.

Price of boiled and frozen shrimp
On average, boiled-frozen shrimp cost, as a rule, up to 175 rubles per kilogram, depending on the size. The larger the size and the higher the freshness of the shrimp, the greater their value. The price of tiger prawns reaches 1000-1300 rubles.

How much salt is needed for cooking
On a pound of shrimp, as a rule, put 1 tablespoon of salt.

Boiled shrimp salad

Shrimp salad products
Boiled-frozen shrimps - 500 grams
Cucumbers - 3 fresh or lightly salted
Tomatoes - 3-4 medium
Green onions - several branches
Vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons
Sugar - 1 teaspoon
Wine vinegar - 1 tablespoon
Salt - 1 teaspoon

Cooking shrimp salad
1. Boil the shrimp, then peel.
2. Wash and dry vegetables and herbs.
3. Cut the tomatoes into circles, finely chop the cucumbers, chop the onion.
4. Mix everything, add a little vinegar and oil, mix with spices and sugar.
5. Put shrimps in the middle of the dish, and vegetable salad around.

More about cooking shrimp

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Cooking king prawns
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All about cooking shrimp

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Reading time - 7 minutes.


