How much to cook pea sausage?

how much to cook pea sausages
It will take at least 2-3 hours to cook pea sausage: 1 hour is required to cook minced peas, and at least a couple of hours are needed for the sausage to cool down.

How to cook pea sausage?

Will need
300 g peas;
10 g agar agar;
10 g garlic;
100-150 g of beets;
1 tbsp. l. rast. oils;
1 tsp nutmeg;
1 tsp coriander;
1/4 tsp black pepper;
1/2 tsp salt.

How to make pea sausage
Rinse the peas, add water, salt and cook until tender (soft). Grind the spices (you can take ground), chop the garlic medium-sized. Mix all the spices. Squeeze the juice from the beets with a juicer or by hand, after grating the vegetable on a fine grater. When the peas are almost cooked, add agar-agar to it, boil the mass for 5-7 minutes. Add spices, punch the porridge with a blender, add beetroot juice, cook for another minute. Cool slightly, pour into the mold. Cool to room temperature, refrigerate. Remove the finished product from the mold after a few hours of infusion, serve.

Pea sausage flavor facts

Pea sausage is a plant-based (pea) lean dish with the addition of spices. Spices determine the taste of vegetarian sausage, make it similar to its meat-containing "progenitor".

Cooking pea sausages is excellent for vegetarians and adherents of healthy food: peas are rich in vegetable protein.

If the pea sausage is too liquid and does not freeze, you can add gelatin.

In stores, you can find not only peas, but also pea flakes - they are more expensive, but will help save time and effort in processing whole grains.

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