How much to cook dasha broth?

how much to cook dasha broth
Cook the broth for 30 minutes.

Classic dasha broth

Water - 1 liter
Niboshi (dried Japanese unsalted anchovies, can be substituted with salted anchovies for beer) - 50 grams
Kombu (dried kelp) - a plate 10 centimeters long and wide
Salt - half a teaspoon

How to cook anchovy dasha broth
1. Remove ridges and heads from anchovies.
2. Pour a liter of cold water into a saucepan, put anchovies and a kelp leaf in it, place on the burner over medium heat, wait until it boils.
3. After boiling, remove the kelp from the pan.
4. The broth with anchovies after boiling, cook for 10 minutes over medium heat.
5. Cover the sieve with paper napkins, strain the broth through it.
Your dasha broth is cooked!

Dashi broth with tuna shavings powder

Katsuobushi (fine tuna shavings powder) - 400 grams
Kombu (dried kelp) - a plate 10 centimeters long and wide
Water - liter
Salt to taste

How to cook dasha broth from tuna shavings
1. Pour a liter of cold water into a saucepan, put a plate of kelp, place over medium heat, wait until it boils.
2. Remove kelp from boiling water.
3. Add bonito powder and salt to a saucepan with broth, keep for several minutes over medium heat.
4. Remove the pot with broth from the burner, let it brew for 15 minutes.
5. Strain the dasha broth through a fine sieve.


- Dashi - a traditional Japanese broth made from dried-smoked tuna or anchovies and kelp seaweed. Dashi is useful for many Japanese dishes, for example, miso soup and ramen soup.

- Katsuobushi is the Japanese name for dried and then smoked tuna.

- For Russians, the most familiar kind of dasha broth with tuna.

- Kombu is a kelp, common in Southeast Asian cuisine. To prepare dashi broth, kombu is softened in hot water or ground into powder.

- When preparing dashi broth, kombu seaweed can be replaced with chopped nori strips, and Japanese niboshi anchovies - with salted anochus for beer.

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