How much dumplings to cook?

how much to cook dumplings
Cook dumplings 10 minutes before they rise to the surface of the water.

How to cook dumplings

Products for dumplings
Flour - 150 grams
Water - 50 milliliters
Butter - a small cube 25 grams
Eggs - 1 piece
Salt to taste (a couple of pinches)

How to cook dumplings
Salt the water and warm up to room temperature. Melt the butter. Break the chicken eggs into a bowl and beat until frothy. Pour in water, mix well, add oil and mix again.
Add flour to the mixture a little at a time, kneading thoroughly. When the dough for dumplings leaves no lumps, put the dough in a bowl, cover and refrigerate for 15 minutes.
Sprinkle flour on the board, roll out the dough half a centimeter thick on it. Cut the layer into squares or rectangles. Then leave the dumplings to dry slightly.

Dumplings on semolina

Products for dumplings on semolina
Cottage cheese - 250 grams
Chicken egg - 1 piece
Semolina - 10 tablespoons
Flour - 2 tablespoons
Butter - 50 grams cube
Sugar - 3 tablespoons

How to cook dumplings on semolina
Melt the butter, pour into a bowl, dissolve the sugar in the butter. Add cottage cheese, chopped by hand, egg and knead thoroughly. Gradually add semolina until the dough becomes sour cream consistency. Cover the dough and refrigerate for 1 hour.
When the dough is infused, sprinkle a chopping board with plenty of flour, lay out the dough, roll out to a thickness of half a centimeter and cut into cubes or diamonds. Cook dumplings on semolina for 5 minutes.

Author / Editor -
Reading time - 1 min.


