How much dumplings to cook?

how to cook dumplings
Place the frozen dumplings in a saucepan with a large amount (4 liters / 1 kilogram of dumplings) of boiling salted water.

Add spices, cook 7 minutes until the boiled dumplings begin to float. After that, cook more 3-4 minutes.

How to cook dumplings

1. Pour water into a saucepan (for 1 portion 15-20 dumplings - half a liter of water), put the saucepan on high heat.
water for dumplings
2. Add black peppercorns and salt to the water. If the dumplings will be served with broth, then ground pepper can be used so that you do not have to catch the peas in a cloudy broth.
add salt and pepper to water (for half a liter of water - 1 teaspoon)
3. Wait for the water to boil.
To boil water
4. Place frozen dumplings in a saucepan.
put dumplings in boiling water
5. After the water boils again, reduce the heat and stir the dumplings so that they do not stick together and do not stick to the bottom and sides of the pan. stir the dumplings so that they do not stick to the bottom of the pan
6. Cook the dumplings for 10 minutes, catch the dumplings out of the water using a slotted spoon or a tablespoon. cook dumplings for 7 minutes after boiling, catch with a slotted spoon
7. Serve dumplings with sour cream and dumplings broth, sprinkle with herbs to taste.

ready-made dumplings
Your dumplings are cooked!

How to cook dumplings in gadgets

How to cook dumplings in a slow cooker
Put the dumplings on the bottom of the multicooker, pour sour cream mixed with water in a ratio of 1: 4. Cook the dumplings for 20 minutes on the multicooker "baking" mode. Sprinkle dumplings with grated cheese before serving.

How to cook dumplings in a double boiler
Cook the dumplings in a double boiler for 30 minutes.

How to cook dumplings in a pressure cooker
Cook dumplings in a pressure cooker for 20 minutes.

How to cook dumplings in the microwave
Put frozen dumplings (200-250 grams) into a deep dish, add a glass of water, salt, pepper and bay leaf. Cover the dish with a plate and place in the microwave on 10 minutes (at a power of 800 W). The dish is ready, bon appetit!


1. When cooking dumplings, you can add herbs, black pepper, bay leaf.
2. A favorite "economical" and quick snack dish is dumplings served with sour cream.
3. The dumplings broth is also very tasty. Therefore, it is believed that boiled dumplings are a universal dish. Suitable for lunch, if served with broth, and for dinner.
4. If you make dumplings yourself at home, you can save up to half the cost of store dumplings. :)
5. To quickly prepare dumplings, it is worth boiling water not in a saucepan, but in an electric kettle.
6. You can store already cooked dumplings in the refrigerator, after draining the broth (so that the dumplings do not fall apart) and cool. The shelf life of boiled dumplings is 2-3 days. Store boiled dumplings covered with a lid.
7. Water needs 3 times more dumplings: for example, for 0.5 kg of dumplings - 1.5 liters of water.
8. Cook the dumplings in a double boiler for 30 minutes.
9. Caloric content of 100 grams of dumplings - 280 kcal.
10. The cost of store dumplings is 200-800 rubles / 1 kg. (on average in Moscow as of July 2019).

About dough for dumplings
It is believed that the classic dumpling dough is prepared without eggs and milk. However, when eaten, such a dough is dense, like pasta, and it is too time-consuming to mold dumplings from it by hand, while there is a risk that the dumplings will cook unevenly and fall apart during cooking. Milk will soften the taste of dumplings, but also make it less bright. A compromise would be to split milk and water in half, and add an additional 50 milliliters of liquid instead of an egg.

- If the dough is too dense or trims are used, it is recommended to add 1 additional tablespoon of vegetable oil to the dough.

- If a no rolling pin, you can use a glass beer or wine bottle to roll the dumplings dough. It will not be so convenient and fast, but the rolling quality will remain good.

- If while sculpting dumplings the edges are very wide, you can trim them with scissors or a knife. You can do the same with a screw pinch (which holds the ends of the dumplings together).

About minced meat in dumplings
- To taste, you can add fried onions to the minced meat, but then the dumplings will be less juicy. In order to cook juicy dumplings with fried onions, you should double the portion of onions, or add water to the minced meat.
- For juiciness, you can add 3 tablespoons of water or crushed ice to the minced meat.
- Salt the dumplings with a margin, so that there is enough salt for the dumplings broth.
- It is customary to use minced meat for dumplings from fatty pork and regular beef equally, however, options are possible: only low-fat pork, only beef with the addition of lard, only beef with the addition of water.
- When cooking minced meat can add greens for meat: dill, parsley, chopped stalks of green onions. You can also add crushed bouillon cubes - they will give a bright flavor and broth when cooking dumplings.

Dumplings arithmetic
- From the given amount of products when cooking at home, it turned out 32 dumplings medium size, weight - 850 grams.
- The cost of products for preparing 850 grams of dumplings - 115 RUB (Moscow average as of May 2016).
- It takes 1.5 hours to cook 2 servings of homemade dumplings, it is recommended to cook a lot at once and freeze.

How to store dumplings
1. You can cook a large amount of dumplings at once and freeze them. The shelf life of frozen dumplings is 4 months.
2. In order to store the dumplings in the freezer and they do not stick together, it is better to sprinkle flour on a flat surface, put the dumplings on it and send them to the freezer for 1 hour.
After an hour, take out the dumplings, carefully collect from a flat surface and put them in plastic bags. Tie the bags and put them in the freezer drawer.

Dumplings traditions

- The main tradition in making dumplings is to create "happy dumplings". Usually, in the process of sculpting, instead of filling, a coin, salt or pepper is put into a randomly selected dumpling (it happens that the dumpling is simply left empty). It is believed that the lucky one who comes across such an unusual dumpling will be lucky and lucky.

- It has become a rare tradition to cook dumplings in a close family circle. According to this tradition, each member of the family is involved in the sculpting process, which performs a specific function. One rolls out the dough, the second cuts dough circles, the third fills the blanks with minced meat, and the rest help to sculpt. Thus, when preparing dumplings, even the smallest will find work - for example, to press the rolled dough with a glass to make circles. Or putting minced meat on circles. - Making dumplings on your own is very beneficial for health: fine motor work helps to strengthen the nervous system, the money saved will allow you to buy healthy vegetables or fruits, and the absence of synthetic flavor enhancers in the product will keep you free from food addiction.

- Traditionally, dumplings are made in December-January, when it's cold outside and you want to do something without leaving your home. This is all the more relevant, since, in general, food prices rise in winter. By the way, to make dumplings, you can do without wasting electricity at all: all products can be handled.

- Traditionally, minced meat for dumplings is made from different types of meat: lamb, beef and pork. In the Far East, dumplings are most often made from minced fish. In the northern regions of Russia, they like dumplings made from elk meat, and in the central regions, mushroom dumplings are often prepared. The south of the Urals is famous for potato dumplings. Their difference from dumplings is that the filling is raw in the dumplings. Fans of diet food will like cabbage or radish dumplings, both fresh and sauerkraut. Do not be surprised that homemade dumplings turn slightly yellow during cooking - this is how eggs make themselves felt.

How to make dumplings

For 32 medium dumplings (2 servings)
Flour for dough - 300 grams (1.4-1.5 cups or 14.5 rounded tablespoons)
Flour for rolling - 2 level tablespoons
Chicken egg - 1 piece
Water - half a glass (100 milliliters)
Minced meat - 300 grams
Onions - 1 small head
Black pepper - 1 pinch
Sunflower oil - 1 tablespoon
Salt - 2 level teaspoons

How to make dumplings at home
1. Measure 1.25 standard 200 ml cups of flour into a sieve over the bowl.
add flour for dumplings
2. Add 1 teaspoon of salt to the flour.
salt flour before sifting
3. While shaking the sieve lightly, sift the flour into a bowl.
sift salted flour
4. Add 1 tablespoon of sunflower oil to the flour.
butter in dough
5. Pour water into a mug and heat it in the microwave to a temperature of 40 degrees (slightly warmer to the touch than body temperature).
5. Break 1 chicken egg into a bowl, add half a glass of heated water and beat with a whisk.
egg in dough for viscosity
6. Pour the egg mixture into the flour.
add the egg mixture to the dumplings
7. Stir the food directly in a bowl with a spoon, and then with your hands until the dough begins to peel off from your hands.
dough for dumplings
8. Because the quality of flour may differ from the standard one, you may need a little more flour - then add flour in half a tablespoon and continue kneading the dough, for only 15 minutes.
the dough is infused
9. Roll the dough into a ball, put in a bag and leave at room temperature to infuse for half an hour.
10. Put the minced meat in a bowl, stir with a spoon.
minced meat for dumplings
11. Peel the onions, chop finely, you can also chop with a grater or meat grinder.
minced onion
12. Add onion, salt and pepper to the minced meat, stir them into the minced meat with your hands.
salt minced meat for dumplings
pepper in minced meat for dumplings
ready-made minced meat for dumplings
13. Get the dough.
14. Pour 1 tablespoon flour onto the work surface and smooth.
15. Put out the dough, knead so that it becomes slightly drier.
dough after infusion
16. Roll the dough into a 20 cm long sausage, then cut it in half across.
17. Put 1 half in a bag so that it does not dry out (the dried dough can hardly be rolled out).
18. When half the dough remains, start rolling it out on the working surface with a rolling pin sprinkled with flour (as an option - a bottle).
roll out the dough
19. Roll out the dough into a layer of 2-3 millimeters, squeeze out circles with a jar or glass with a diameter of 6.5-7 centimeters.
forming circles
20. Knead the cuttings, roll them out (it will be harder because the dough has become denser), squeeze out the circles again.
21. Place the dough circles on a plate.
dough circles for dumplings
22. Put the circles on the work surface one by one, put the minced meat on the dough using a teaspoon: for 1 dumpling, you will have a small piece of minced meat and about half a teaspoon.
minced meat on dough
23. Put the minced meat in the middle of the dough, then raise 1 half and cover the 2 half with it.
making dumplings
24. Pinch the edges of the dumplings with your fingertips so that the edges are not very wide.
25. Pull the corners of the dumplings and start over the flat part, in the same place, gently twist the dough.
forming dumplings
26. Put the dumplings on a plate and put them in the freezer.
dumplings on a plate
dumplings in the freezer
27. Similarly, make dumplings from the second part of the dough and the remaining minced meat: in total, you get 30-35 medium-sized dumplings.
28. Put the second plate in the freezer, making the structure so that the dumplings do not touch. If there are plastic plates, you can safely put on top immediately on the dumplings.
dumplings are frozen in layers
freezing homemade dumplings
29. Wait 1 hour for the dumplings to freeze.
frozen dumplings
30. Put the dumplings in a bag - they will be stored for up to six months.

31. Cook dumplings - they will not fall apart during cooking and will give the broth a bright taste.
boiled homemade dumplings

Author / Editor -
Reading time - 15 minutes.


