How much lobio to cook?

how much lobio to cook
Boil lobio for 1 hour.

How to cook lobio

Red beans - 1 cup
Onions - 1 piece
Tomatoes - 4 pieces
Garlic - 2 teeth
Red hot pepper - 1 piece
Walnuts (kernels) - half a glass
Salt - 1 teaspoon
Hops-suneli - 1 teaspoon
Greens (dill, cilantro, parsley, basil) - 5 branches each
Vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons
Water - 5 glasses

How to cook lobio
1. Pour 1 cup of dry beans into a colander and rinse under running water.
2. Transfer the beans to a deep bowl, add 2 glasses of cold water, and leave for 8 hours.
3. Cut 1 peeled onion into half rings.
4. Finely chop the garlic.
5. Cut 4 tomatoes into small wedges.
6. Cut into 5 sprigs of cilantro, dill, parsley, basil.
7. Cut 1 hot red pepper pod in half, remove the seeds and chop finely.
8. Chop with a knife (not very finely) half a glass of walnuts.
9. Drain the unabsorbed liquid from the soaked beans, rinse the beans.
10. Put beans in a saucepan, pour 3 cups of water and put on medium heat.
11. When the contents of the saucepan boil, reduce heat to low, remove foam and cook for about 1 hour. The beans should be soft but keep their shape.
12. Drain the water from the finished beans into a separate bowl.
13. Pour 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil into a frying pan and put on medium heat.
14. Add the onion to the pan, fry for 3 minutes.
15. Add the tomatoes and red hot peppers and fry for 3 minutes.
16. Add walnuts, half chopped greens, 1 teaspoon of salt, 1 teaspoon of suneli hops.
17. Put the contents of the frying pan into a saucepan with beans, mix everything and add a little water in which the beans were cooked. The consistency of lobio can be compared to thick sour cream.
18. Place a saucepan over medium heat and cook for 7 minutes. Add garlic to a saucepan 1 minute until tender.
Serve the lobio, sprinkling with the remaining herbs. On the second day, this dish becomes even tastier.


Lobio is a dish of Georgian cuisine. An accelerated version of the dish is prepared from canned beans; 2 cans are required.

The characteristic taste of lobio is given by cilantro, its quantity can be doubled. The more herbs, the tastier the dish.

Walnut kernels can be pre-dried - this will give the lobio a more delicate, refined taste.

Tomatoes can be replaced with tomato paste.

The calorie content of lobio is about 280 kcal / 100 grams.

The average cost of products for lobio (as of June 2020 in Moscow) is 270 rubles.

Store lobio for 72 hours in the refrigerator.

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Reading time - 2 minutes.


