How much to cook peanuts?

how much to cook peanuts
Rinse raw peanuts (as in the picture), put in a saucepan with salted water (2 tablespoons of salt) so that the water completely covers the peanuts - and leave for half an hour. Cooking peanuts will be correct for 2 - 2.5 hours.

How to cook fresh green peanuts

1. Peel the peanuts in the shell of the remaining soil, leaves, weeds, wash thoroughly, do not remove the shell.
2. Put the peanuts in a large saucepan, squeeze it with a plate on top, pour cold water so that it covers the peanuts by 5 centimeters, remove the plate.
3. Put salt in a saucepan with peanuts - a quarter cup per 10 kilograms of peanuts, spices to taste: paprika, garlic, chili.
4. Place a pot of peanuts on high heat, cover with a lid and wait until boiling.
5. Reduce heat to medium, cook with lid ajar for 2 hours.
6. Every 15 minutes, check that the water does not boil away, top up with hot water when it boils.
7. After 1.5 hours of cooking, take out a handful of peanuts with a slotted spoon and check readiness - the shell should be easily peeled off, and the peanuts should become tender and soft.
8. If necessary, add more salt to taste, continue to cook for 30 minutes.
9. Drain the water from the pan with the prepared peanuts, transfer the peanuts to the dish.
You can use a garden hose and sprayer to thoroughly remove dirt and debris from the peanuts. Put the peanuts in a large container, fill with water so that it completely covers the nuts, rinse them under a strong pressure of water - all the debris and earth will float to the surface.


- Boiled peanuts - a method of harvesting fresh, not yet dried peanuts. The dish is common in rural areas of the southeastern United States, where peanuts are grown on large and small private plantations. Boiled peanuts can also be found in Nigeria, India, Vietnam, the Philippines, China, Indonesia, Australia.

- In Russian stores you can buy two types of peanuts that are suitable for cooking. The first is fresh green peanuts. It is sold during the ripening period - from early summer to late autumn. The second is regular non-roasted peanuts. You can buy it all year round. But such peanuts are dehydrated, so they need to be soaked in water for a day before cooking.

- Cooked peanuts should be stored in water in the refrigerator for no more than 2 - maximum 3 days. Dry peanuts are stored for 1-2 years.

- Before cooking, along with salt, you can add spices to the pan with peanuts: fresh or dry garlic will add flavor to the peanuts, paprika and chili powder - spice.

- Boiled peanuts can be served peeled or in shell. It tastes warm and cold. Leftover peanuts in shells can be placed in bags and frozen. Before serving frozen peanuts, defrost them in the microwave.

- Roasted peanuts can be used as bait for fishing - their aroma attracts fish, especially carp. The nuts should be chopped into small pieces and planted on a hair rig.

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Reading time - 3 minutes.


