How much to cook zeppelins?

how much to cook zeppelins
Cook the zeppelins in a saucepan for 25 minutes after boiling.

How to cook zeppelins

Potatoes - 0.5 kilograms (5 pieces)
Sour cream 20% - 1 teaspoon
Starch - 1 tea
Minced meat - 150 grams
Bow - 1 head
Salt and pepper to taste

How to cook zeppelins
1. 3 boil potatoes in uniform, peel and mash in mashed potatoes.
2. Peel and grate 2 potatoes (or chop with a food processor).
3. Put the grated potatoes in a sieve and squeeze out - you should get a dense, dry mass that keeps its shape.
4. Add 1 tablespoon sour cream.
5. Pour starch into potato juice, cover and refrigerate for 15 minutes.
6. Pour the juice into a bowl, add the starchy sediment to the chopped raw potatoes.
7. Peel the onion, chop and fry in oil.
8. Add onion, salt and pepper to the minced meat.
9. Roll the potato dough into balls, knead into circles, put the minced meat in the center and wrap in pies.
10. Take a pot of water and put on fire, add salt.
11. Cook the zeppelins for 25 minutes after boiling the water without a lid.


Zeppelins are Lithuanian boiled pies with potato dough and meat filling. The word "zeppelin" means "derivative", which implies a large size of pies, 17-20 centimeters long. Another name for zeppelin is dijkukuliai.

Flour and eggs are not added to the dough for zeppelin, but the dough does not fall apart during cooking. This happens due to the starch contained in the potatoes and the addition of dry starch powder.

To test the elasticity of the dough, boil a small ball of dough - if it does fall apart, add a little flour to the dough or add starch (1 tablespoon) to the broth before boiling.

In the original Lithuanian recipe, minced onions are fried in pork fat.

Other fillings for zeppelin are mushrooms, cottage cheese.

Zeppelins are served with sour cream, cottage cheese, salt and garlic sauce. Top with fried onions with cracklings or chopped green onions.

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Reading time - 2 minutes.


