How much to cook beshbarmak?

how much to cook beshbarmak
Beshbarmak by time to cook 4 hours: cook meat for 3 hours until soft fibers, an hour will be needed to prepare delicious noodles and 10 minutes for a fragrant onion dressing.

How to cook beshbarmak

How to cook meat for beshbarmak
Lamb or beef - 700-800 grams of meat is enough for 4 servings, put 4 liters in a saucepan, pour completely with water, put on medium heat. After boiling, reduce the heat and simmer the meat together with bay leaves, onions, salt and pepper under the lid, regularly skimming off the foam, for 3 hours - so that the meat breaks into fibers. If you have a pressure cooker, it can handle the broth in 1 hour. Strain the broth, remove the onion and lavrushka. Cool the meat a little, separate it from the bone and divide it by hand into small pieces.

How to make juicy noodles for beshbarmak
For the dough, sift 200 grams of flour into a bowl, add 1 chicken egg, 2 tablespoons of oil, pour in 100 milliliters of water and add a little salt. Knead into a thick dough, cover and leave for half an hour at room temperature. Sprinkle the board with flour, lay out the present dough, roll out in layers half a centimeter thick, and cut into squares with a side of 5-7 centimeters, or rhombuses (or circles :). Leave to dry slightly for half an hour.

How to cook onion dressing
Pour 1 ladle of broth into a small saucepan. Cut the second onion in half rings, put in boiling broth and pepper, add any spices and herbs for flavor. Wash the parsley, dry and chop finely, then add to the onion. Simmer the onion and parsley over low heat for 3 minutes.

Cook noodles
Cook the noodles in a main saucepan with broth for 5 minutes.

Serving beshbarmak
Drain the broth noodles and place on a wide dish (ideally in a pan shape). Spread the meat evenly on top, pour the onion dressing, sprinkle with parsley. Serve "besh" with broth in bowls.

Fascinating facts about beshbarmak

Beshbarmak is served on a wide dish in layers: noodles, meat, onion dressing, greens. According to the traditions of nomads, beshbarmak is eaten like this: pasta and meat are taken, starting from the edge of the dish, grabbed with onions, dipped in broth and sent into the mouth, washed down with the same broth. Nomads ate besh with their hands, but now it is customary to use a fork.

Beshbarmak is served with fresh bread, boiled chicken eggs and carrots, sometimes cheese.

Depending on the characteristics of the flour, the noodles may stick together. It is better to cook noodles for beshbarmak in parts, alternately dipping pieces of dough into boiling water.

Traditionally, beshbarmak is made with a clear broth, but sometimes a golden one is needed: for this, the onion is put in the broth unpeeled.

To make beshbarmak noodles even tastier, you can add 1 egg to the dough.

Instead of lamb, you can partially or completely use beef, horse meat, or cook with kazy.

Beshbarmak sauce

Potatoes - 3 pieces
Potato broth - 1 glass
Sour cream - 3 tablespoons
Dill - 1 bunch
Salt and spices to taste

How to make potato sauce for beshbarmak
Wash the potatoes, peel them, put them in a saucepan and add water. Put on fire and cook for 20 minutes after boiling. Wash the dill, dry and chop finely. Then mash the potatoes, add salt and pepper, herbs, sour cream and mix well.
Serve the sauce for beshbarmak in a separate saucepan.

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Reading time - 3 minutes.


