How much to cook galantine?

how much to cook galantine
Galantine cook 1,5 hour... Bake galantine 1 hour at a temperature of 170 degrees. Serve the finished galantine chilled, sprinkling with several layers of gelatinous mixture.

How to cook classic galantine

Chicken - 1 bird weighing 2 kilograms
Pork - 250 grams
Chicken egg - 1 piece
Cream 20-33% - 150 milliliters
Olives - 30 pieces
Garlic - 1 head
Instant gelatin - 10 grams
Sour cream - 1.5 tablespoons
Salt, black pepper - to taste

How to cook galantine
1. Boil and cool chicken eggs.
2. Wash and dry the chicken with napkins.
3. Cut off the skin, trying to preserve its integrity, put it off.
4. Cut off the meat, put in a bowl.
5. Put the bones in a saucepan, add water, salt and cook, covered, for 50 minutes after boiling.
6. Separate the chicken breast from the tenderloin, cut in half to form 2 layers of meat.
7. Cover the breast fillets and tenderloins with cellophane wrap and beat off with a cooking hammer to flatten the pieces into an even layer.
8. The rest of the chicken meat and all the pork are minced with a meat grinder, salt and pepper.
9. Constantly stirring the minced meat with one hand, gradually pour in the cream with the other.
10. On a large piece of cellophane, spread the chicken fillet with a slight overlap in one layer.
11. Cover the top with the same piece of cellophane and slightly beat off to achieve one layer of chicken.
12. Remove the top film, salt and pepper the chicken layer, put the minced meat on top and level it into 1 layer with an indent of 3-4 centimeters from the edge.
13. Cut the olives in half and put on the minced meat, pressing lightly.
14. Grate chicken eggs on a coarse grater, salt and mix; put in a bowl.
15. Roll up galantine into a roll, seal, remove the film.
16. Wrap galantine with chicken skin and several layers of cellophane so that galantine retains its cylindrical shape during cooking.
17. Tie the ends of the cellophane.
18. Put the galantine in cellophane in a saucepan.
19. Pour galantine with water and cook for 40 minutes at a low boil (rare bubbling).
20. Cool galantine, put in the refrigerator for infusion for 6-8 hours.
21. Measure out half a liter of broth left over from boiling the bones.
22. Add instant gelatin: 10 grams, heat on the stove until the gelatin is completely dissolved with constant stirring.
23. Mix sour cream with a third gelatin solution, grease galantin with a culinary brush: for convenience, fix galantin in an upright position or lay it on a narrow plate (spatula).
24. Remove galantine for 1-2 hours in the refrigerator for solidification.
25. Cover with 1 more layer of the gelatin mixture - and so on until the gelatin-sour cream mixture ends.
26. Carefully cut the gelatin into pieces and place in a serving dish.
27. Pour the broth and gelatin mixture over the slices.
28. Put in the refrigerator until the filler solidifies completely.
29. Decorate with herbs, if necessary, fix it with a gelatinous mixture.


- Galantin is a jellied snack. The meat is crushed, mixed with eggs and spices, rolled into a sausage and cooked until tender. After boiling, galantine is cooled and covered with jelly to give the dish a completely symmetrical appearance. And although in the old French language the word "galantine" meant "jelly", nowadays they use special containers to give galantine the correct shape, and the process of gelling of snacks is ignored.

- Serve galantine as an appetizer: put a loaf of galantine on a plate and cut circular pieces. At the same time, given that galantine is stuffed with colorful ingredients, it may not need additional decoration. It is necessary to cut galantine carefully, without touching it with your hands, so as not to damage the delicate gelatinous shell.It is important at least sometimes to put galantine in the refrigerator so that the gelatin mixture does not melt and the dish retains its aesthetic appearance.

- Turkey, veal, pork, turkey liver, fish can be used to prepare galantine.

- For a variety and beauty of the cut when preparing galantine, fried mushrooms, olives, pistachios, ham, chicken eggs, fresh vegetables (tomatoes, bell peppers) are added to the filling.

- Galantine can be cooked without chicken skin, then it is enough to cook a roll, wrapping it in several layers of cellophane.

- To make the meat softer, you can soak the meat for 1 day in salted water (in the refrigerator).

- Instead of cellophane when forming galantine, you can use gauze, foil or a baking sleeve.

- If the formed galantine turned out to be very large, it can either be divided by 2, or boiled in a deep baking sheet in the oven: pour boiling water up to half the galantine height, cover with foil and cook at 150 degrees for 1.5 hours without bubbling.

- The shops sell semi-finished galantine. It is recommended to fry or bake such galantine, but if there is a desire to cook it, wrap the galantine with cellophane and cook for 40 minutes.

- If there are a lot of blanks for galantine, you can make small rolls and fry them in bread crumbs.

- If the gelatin mixture for watering gelatin is frozen, just heat it up - it will become liquid again.

Author / Editor -
Reading time - 5 minutes.


