How much to cook a turkey thigh?

how much to cook turkey thigh
Turkey thigh boil 40 minutes in salted water.

How to boil a turkey thigh

1. Wash the thigh of the turkey in cool water, inspect for the presence of the remains of feathers, the so-called "hemp": if there is, then remove them with tweezers.
2. Pour 2 liters of water into a saucepan, wait until it boils over high heat. If, as a result of boiling the thigh, you want to get broth, and not only dietary meat, then the thigh should be poured with cold, not hot water, because it is with gradual heating that the largest amount of extractives is released into the water.
3. Salt water at the rate of 10g (two flat teaspoons) of salt per one and a half liters of water.
4. Dip the thigh of the turkey into salted water, let it boil again.
5. Cook the turkey thigh for 40 minutes for meat, for salad or appetizer, 1 hour for broth and at least 1.5 hours in jellied meat, covered with a lid. If you cut the turkey meat from the bone, then cook the turkey thigh fillet for 30 minutes.

Pressure cooker recipe

In a pressure cooker, cook the thigh for 15 minutes after closing the valve - this is a characteristic hiss, or a special sound if the pressure cooker is electronic. Cook the thigh for soup in a pressure cooker for 10 minutes longer, for jellied meat - 1 hour, and then wait an hour with the valve closed.

Cooking tips

If you need to remove the hemp before cooking, but there are no tweezers, you can use the old chef's method: rub the thigh with flour and scorch the hemp with a lighter. The flour will raise the remaining feathers to a horizontal position, and also protect the poultry skin from deformation during heat treatment.

Turkey Thigh - Although low in calories, it is a very nutritious part of turkey. It is from the thigh that nutritious turkey soups are cooked, in which it is the meat from the thigh that does not fall apart, but remains meaty.

To give the boiled turkey a delicious look, you can bake it in the oven until golden brown.

It is delicious to boil turkey thighs in cream or milk - the meat becomes much softer, and excellent sauces will come out of the broth. It is enough to mix the broth with flour to thicken and boil a little. This is one of the easiest and quickest turkey dishes for a festive table.

After cooking, do not rush to take out the meat, but let it cool in the broth - so the meat fibers, having relaxed after heat treatment, absorb part of the broth, making the product more juicy and aromatic.

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Reading time - 2 minutes.


