How much to cook turkey fillets?

how much to cook turkey fillet
Cook a piece of turkey breast fillet weighing 400-500 grams for 35 minutes. It takes 25 minutes to boil the turkey pieces.

How to cook turkey fillets

Turkey breast fillet - 500 grams
Medium carrots - 1 piece
Small onion - 1 piece
Salt - 1 teaspoon
Black pepper - 5 peas
Allspice - 2 peas
How to cook turkey breast fillets

How to make turkey heart soup
  • Rinse a piece of fillet with cold water, leave it whole or divide it in half along the fibers.
  • Peel the carrots and cut the root vegetable across into five pieces.
  • Leave the onion intact with the husk - it will give the broth a pleasant golden color.
  • Crush the peppercorns with a knife.
  • Place the turkey breast fillets in a pot of cold water.
  • Put the pan on fire, after boiling, drain the water.
  • Pour a piece of turkey fillet with fresh water so that the meat is completely immersed in the liquid and again bring the contents of the pan to a boil.
  • Reduce heat, collect and remove curdled protein flakes. Cook the turkey breast fillet in a covered saucepan for 20 minutes.
  • Add pepper, add 1 teaspoon of salt, onion and carrot pieces.
  • Cook the turkey fillet with spices for 20 minutes.
  • Allow the meat to cool in the broth (this will make it taste harmonious), and then use it as a second course or a component of a salad.


Turkey breast fillets are cooked most often when following a diet, in a salad or a complex compound dish. Turkey fillet is very low-calorie, you cannot cook a rich broth from it. If you want delicious boiled meat, you can make a sauce, but then the dietary parameters of the dish will decrease somewhat.

When serving, the fillets can be cut across the fibers into portions, and on each of which you can put a piece of butter.

The best side dish for boiled turkey breast is boiled riceas well as lettuce and cherry tomatoes.

Turkey breast fillet, cooked in large pieces, retains more nutrients and remains juicy. Since skin and subcutaneous fat increase the calorie content of a meal, it is best to remove them from the breast (before cooking).

You can check the readiness of the meat by piercing it with a wooden skewer or fork - if clear juice is released, the meat is cooked.

For boiling turkey breast weighing 400-500 grams, a 2 liter saucepan is suitable. In a deep saucepan of such a capacity, it will be possible to cook it in a minimum amount of water, which is important for cooking meat, not broth. For salad, turkey fillets should be boiled, cut into small pieces - then the turkey will cook faster, and the broth, due to less water, will turn out strong enough to cook the sauce on its basis.

For soup, pure turkey meat is too low in calories, so it is better to use fillets with skin, or use other parts for broth.

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Reading time - 3 minutes.


