How much to cook turkey thigh fillets?

how much to cook turkey thigh
Cook fillets weighing 500 grams for 30 minutes.

How to cook turkey thigh fillets

Turkey thigh fillet - 500 grams
Onions - 1 piece
Parsley root - 1 piece
Dry thyme - pinch
Salt - 1 teaspoon

1. Pour boiling water over a piece of turkey thigh fillet (so the meat will retain its juiciness).
2. Peel the parsley root and onion and chop coarsely.
3. Place the fillet in a saucepan (as an option - cut into portions) and pour boiling water over so that the piece is completely hidden under it.
4. Add the onion, parsley root, thyme and salt to the saucepan.
5. Cook for 30 minutes, if the thigh fillet is cooked in portions, then reduce the time to 20 minutes. Do not close the pan tightly during cooking, leave a small gap for steam to escape.
6. Let the meat cool in the broth - so it will absorb the aromas of herbs and roots and its taste will become more refined and subtle.

Cooking tips

Thigh fillet - moderately high-calorie and very soft meat, in many cases more tender than breast fillet.

Fragrant roots complement the taste of the meat and give it a unique aroma. The parsley root is successfully replaced with celery. Not only thyme (you can take fresh grass, but it is better to put it in the broth not at the beginning, but ten minutes before the end of cooking) goes well with turkey, but also rosemary.

It is logical to serve boiled turkey thigh fillet with tomatoes, as well as a salad of young cabbage. In addition, the product complements warm salads and casseroles.

An excellent sauce comes out of the broth left after boiling the turkey fillet; you just need to thicken it with flour, dried in a dry frying pan until golden brown. Or you can cook rice directly in this broth.

Boiled turkey thigh fillet meat will become an exquisite dish if greased with sour cream and placed in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 12 minutes.

A platter of frozen turkey thigh fillets will taste as good as chilled raw materials if allowed to defrost on the top shelf of the refrigerator (usually 4 hours).

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Reading time - 2 minutes.


