How much to cook smoked bones?

how much to cook smoked bones
Cook smoked bones (ribs) for 15 minutes after boiling water.

Cooking smoked ribs

Potatoes with smoked ribs
You will need 0.7 kg of pork ribs, 1 kg of potatoes, a couple of tomatoes and onions, and a few bay leaves.

Cut the potatoes into pieces, chop the smoked ribs. Saute the chopped onion in sunflower oil. Add chopped tomatoes to the pan and fry. Then put the roast, ribs and potatoes in a saucepan. Add pepper, bay leaf and salt. Places the saucepan in the oven, simmer for half an hour to 45 minutes. at a temperature of 200 gr.

Pea soup with smoked ribs

You will need a glass of peas, three potatoes, one onion and one carrot each, some greens and a pound of ribs.

Peas must first be placed in cool water overnight. Next, cook it for an hour and a half over medium heat without salt. When the beans are tender, add the chopped smoked ribs. When the broth comes to a boil, reduce the heat and add the potatoes to the pot. Simultaneously sauté chopped carrots and onions in vegetable oil. Add them to the broth five minutes after the potatoes. Add the herbs a few minutes before the end of cooking.

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Reading time - 1 min.


