How to cook a rabbit?

how much to cook rabbit meat
Boil rabbit pieces 35-45 minutes... The cooking time of the rabbit depends on the age of the animal.

Put a whole rabbit in boiling water and cook one and a half-2 hours... Cook the old rabbit longer, up to 2.5 hours.

How to cook a rabbit

Processing rabbit before boiling
1. Rinse the rabbit carcass in cool water, dry and cut off all tendons, areas of fat and film.
2. Cut the rabbit meat into portions (for cooking it is better to use the front part of the animal carcass, as it has a coarser structure).
3. To feed children, soak the rabbit meat in cool water for 2-3 hours before cooking, this will relieve the meat from excessive hardness and unpleasant odor.
4. For feeding adults, before the cooking process, marinate the cut rabbit carcass for 1.5-2 hours, then the rabbit meat will become more tender.

How to cook rabbit meat in a saucepan
1. Place the prepared and cut rabbit meat in a saucepan with hot water (the liquid should completely cover the rabbit meat), boil.
2. Put chopped carrots, finely chopped onions in the broth, cook over moderate heat (cover the pan with a lid) for about 35 minutes (determine the readiness of the meat by piercing it with a fork - if the rabbit meat is soft, then it is ready).

How to cook rabbit meat in a slow cooker
1. Cut well washed and peeled rabbit meat into pieces.
2. Place rabbit meat in a slow cooker, add chopped carrots and onions for taste, add one glass of water and cook for 2 hours in the "stewing" mode.


- The rabbit is boiled on medium fire under the lid.

- The cooking time of the rabbit depends on age animal. Cook the old rabbit for 2.5 hours.

- Rabbit meat is considered dietary a dish especially useful for children. Contains a large amount of protein.

- Calorie content rabbit meat - 100-130 kcal / 100 grams.

- Average cost chilled rabbit meat in Moscow stores - from 650 rubles / kilogram (as of June 2017).

- Keep chilled rabbit meat for 2-3 days in the refrigerator.

How to boil a rabbit in cream

Rabbit carcass - 1.5 kilograms
Onions (medium size) - 3 pieces
Water - 1 glass
Heavy cream - 1 glass
Parsley root - 1.5 pieces
Bay leaf - 2 pieces
Pepper - 7 peas
Salt to taste

How to cook a rabbit in a slow cooker
1. Wash the rabbit carcass with water, peel off the film, cut off the tendons, cut the meat into pieces.
2. Transfer the prepared rabbit meat to a multicooker bowl, add three small onions cut into half rings, season with 7 peppercorns and add chopped parsley root.
3. Salt the rabbit meat, mix, pour one glass of cream into the bowl (it is permissible to replace it with the same amount of sour cream), pour in a glass of water, cook for 2 hours, setting the "stewing" mode.
4. Take the finished rabbit meat out of the multicooker bowl, put it in a flat-bottomed plate and decorate with fresh dill sprigs.

Rabbit recipe in sour cream

Rabbit meat - 0.5 kg. (fillets, chicken legs, etc.)
Sour cream - 200 grams, preferably 25%.
Onion - 1 onion
Flour - 2 tablespoons
Carrots - 1 pc.
Greens, garlic and spices to taste.

Cooking rabbit in sour cream
Cut the rabbit meat into small pieces, rub in the seasonings and salt, and leave for 10 minutes. At this time, in a preheated frying pan, put flour in butter, stir until smooth, add sour cream. In this sauce, carefully spread the rabbit meat, on top - onion rings and carrots grated on a coarse grater. Simmer for 30 minutes.

Rabbit soup with rice

Rabbit meat - 750 grams
Carrots (large size) - 2 pieces
Potatoes - 6 pieces
Onions (large) - 1.5 pieces (or 2 medium)
Parsley root - 1 piece
Rice - 1/3 cup
Water - 4 liters
Salt to taste

How to make rabbit soup
1.Rinse the rabbit meat under water (if necessary, defrost it), peel off the film, excess fat, cut off the tendons, cut the rabbit meat into pieces.
2. Place the prepared and cut rabbit meat in a saucepan with four liters of hot water so that the rabbit meat is completely covered with liquid.
3. Boil the broth, drain the liquid, pour the rabbit meat again with water and boil over low heat, remove the foam with a slotted spoon.
4. Wash one large carrot, parsley (root) and half an onion, chop coarsely and add to the pan to the rabbit meat, cook for 60 minutes until the tenderness of the meat after piercing with a fork.
5. Take out the rabbit meat, strain the broth through cheesecloth, boil the liquid again.
6. Put coarsely grated carrots, medium-sized potatoes and a third of a glass of washed rice into the boiled broth, stir with a spoon and cook for 10-15 minutes. (it is recommended to cook the soup over low heat).
7. Place the boiled pieces of rabbit meat in the prepared broth and add finely chopped fresh dill.

Author / Editor -
Reading time - 5 minutes.


