How to cook chicken feet?

how much to cook chicken legs
Cook chicken legs in broth for 30-40 minutes, in jellied meat - 2 hours (the pressure cooker will completely boil them in 40 minutes).

How to cook chicken feet

Chicken feet - half a kilo
Water - 2 liters
Salt - 1 rounded tablespoon
Black pepper - 5 peas
Bay leaf - 1 leaf

How to cook
  • Defrost chicken legs, rinse.
  • Remove claws along the first phalanx with a knife or scissors.
  • Soak the paws for several hours in cold water.
  • Remove the swollen skin from the legs.
  • Pour water into a saucepan and bring to a boil.
  • Place the prepared feet in boiling water.
  • Boil water again over maximum heat.
  • Reduce heat to medium and simmer for 30 to 40 minutes.
  • Remove foam appearing on the water surface.
  • Add bay leaves and peppercorns.
  • Allow the legs to cool with the broth.


Chicken feet are most often boiled to make a great-setting jelly... To do this, boil the legs together with the meat for 2 hours, and after boiling the legs are thrown away - all the most necessary of them are boiled into broth. The question arises, how many legs to put in the jelly? - 500 grams of paws is enough to freeze 3 liters of broth boiled on them.

If you cook broth for soups only from paws, then it will turn out to be very fatty - therefore it is better to use paws as an addition to chicken necks and bones.

Chicken legs make an excellent jelly because they contain a lot of collagen protein, which has a gelling property and is part of our skin, hair and joints.

Experienced housewives know that you can make an excellent snack from the legs if you bake them after boiling: bake the legs in the oven for 10 minutes at 190 ° C, roll them in spices or teriyaki sauce. You can add a little sugar to the spices - when heated, the sugar caramelizes and you get a golden crust.

You need to add a little more salt than for the soup, because some of the salt will remain in the broth after boiling.

On the Internet, you can find information that chicken legs need to be cooked for at least 1 hour, and preferably 1.5 - 2 hours, but in fact, small legs will be ready after 40 minutes.

The paws are allowed to cool down along with the broth in order to make them juicier, but if you bake them, you do not need to let them cool down. You just need to dry them with napkins or a towel in order for the coating to hold better.

Author / Editor -
Reading time - 2 minutes.


