How much to cook beef tripe?

how much to cook beef tripe
Wash the scar, boil 3,5-4 hours over low heat under the lid.

How to cook beef tripe

The rumen is the first section of a cow's stomach, the largest, "cleanest" and most delicate part of it. Beef tripe is beneficial - it supports the health of the mucous membranes and the digestive system, thanks to the content of B vitamins. Also, due to the lack of carbohydrates, consumption of scars does not increase blood glucose levels, and therefore is suitable for diabetics. Before eating, the scar must be boiled.

1. Most stores sell already peeled tripe, white, completely clean and without a strong odor. Such a scar does not need to be soaked - wash it and immediately start cooking.
raw tripe
2. Put the tripe in hot water and after boiling, boil for 5 minutes, removing the foam. A spacious saucepan is best suited, since the scar in the water diverges in all directions. Or, you can tie it with food thread.
scar in the pan, remove the foam
3. Cover the scar with a lid and cook over low heat, covering with a lid, for 3.5-4 hours.
cook a scar

What to cook from tripe
After boiling, the beef tripe can be cut and fried with onions or used as a filling for pies, used in scar soup... The skin is very fatty, it can be cut off, leaving only the fibrous part, which tastes like beef and is very tasty even when cooked.

Cook the scars correctly

How to get rid of the smell
Mostly unrefined scars smell; if the smell is very strong, add a teaspoon of baking soda or 1 tablespoon of 70% vinegar. Video instruction:

How to clean brown scars
It is recommended to handle unrefined scars with gloves so that the hands do not absorb the pungent odor. It is necessary to scrape off large pieces of brown skin with a knife and scrub until light in color with a brush. After that, pour boiling water over the scar, pour cold water and leave in a cold place for 2 days.

How to cook a tripe for a dog
Dogs are very fond of beef tripe in any form, the smell of unpeeled tripe is especially delightful for dogs. It is recommended to pour over fresh tripe with boiling water, boil slightly stale for 5 minutes.

Rubbing the rumen and the dog

Scar or tripe?
Often, referring to the beef tripe, they talk about tripealthough entrails are meant to include all parts of an animal's viscera (such as intestines or other parts of a cow's stomach). But since, apart from the stomach, nothing of the insides of the cow goes into food, it is customary to call it "entrails".

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